Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday Such As It Is


"It is only change that is at work here." I Ching

My Mom is still extremely shook up. Yesterday she discovered that the raccoon that we keep chasing away killed one of the kittens. She found it on the back porch ripped open with its intestines hanging out. Mom was in tears most of the day. I'm glad she didn't have to work because she was too broken up. We secured the other two kittens for the night on the side porch. We tried to get momma cat to come in but she kept running off. We are going to let the babies out with momma during the day and keep them on the side porch at night until my boss gets back to take all of them. What makes it so frustrating is that there was food out and there was no reason for that raccoon to kill the kitten. It reminded me of how some humans act with extreme cruelty.

Mom is also afraid she may have had a mini stroke because she was very shaky and having trouble with her legs last night. It is very possible because I have never seen her look so frail and I had to help her up and down a step. I have to get that woman to quit work. She has the money to retire and needs to use it for herself and not worry about leaving money to her kids and grandchildren. She has to think about herself for a change.

It is a rainy gloomy day here which fits with the mood of the house. I am going to spend time cleaning the upstairs and mother is resting. I'll work on some art this evening. I need it to pull me out of the funk I feel right now. The picture is called Sorrow.

The real counter is 5497

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