Sunday, September 24, 2006

Random Thoughts

I got a great new CD today. I am a long time Elton John fan and I love his newest CD. He hasn't lost a thing in the over 30 years of great music and he and Bernie Taupin have proved again that they are the best song writing duo around. Period.

My brother Jerry has again invited my views on a subject this time in his blog I have always believed in the feminist cause. I don't want to be judged by my sex but by what I have accomplished in this life. I don't want to be held back because I am woman but at the same time I reserve the right to act and dress like a lady without being criticized for it. Yes I have had people comment on my looks all my life but I have found that people get past the looks and discover the real me and that is what counts. You can't tell me people don't look at Brad Pitt and George Clooney and have the first impression of "hey they are gorgeous." Once you get past the looks though you realize that we do need to do more about rebuilding New Orleans and stopping the genocide in Dafur. People are more likely to listen if you present a good first impression.

One of the things that bothers my about my fellow geeks is that so many of them don't really take the time to look their best. Being a geek doesn't mean that you have to load yourself on junk food and wear t-shirts and jeans all the time. Hey I love my Marvin the Martian t-shirts and jeans but when I'm out in public I dress up. If I look my best I feel my best and that confidence affects how I present myself to others. Yes it is sexist but you take it and use it to your advantage. I am careful to keep my weight down and eat food that is good for my body. I walk a lot and will do more now that the hospital's departments have been challenged to improve their health through walking.

One of the things my boss said on my review was that people like me. I take the time to listen to people. I take the time to help others out. I take the time to care. People like me and listen to me because I make the effort to respond to them as people. You can't make a political or personal or spiritual point if you don't really care what other people feel, think, or believe. Dialogue is a two way street.

The picture is called "Autumn Leaves" and represents the start of the fall leaves turning beautiful colors here.


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