Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I awoke in time to take my medicine and decided to surf through the web as is my won't when I have time on my hands. I came across a short article about how actor Martin Sheen is going back to school in Ireland for the next semester. Now that he isn't on the West Wing he has decided to go back and finish his education and since his mother was from Ireland he is going there to study. I think that is fantastic!

I have always continued my studies even after I finished college with a B.A. degree. There is so much to learn about so many things. My two big areas of interest are Astronomy and Health.

Astronomy has been a big love since I was a child. I am fascinated by all aspects of what is out there from the string theory, to black holes, to the birth and death of stars, to how did it all begin to how will it all end or will it end? Some of these areas also go into the areas of philosophy and theology. I have one of those minds that demands that science prove to me that what they are saying is true. I want to know how it works. I love the complexity of science and I'm not satisfied with easy answers. Science should start with a theory and then test that theory vigorously to see if it holds up. You don't start with a conclusion and then try and find something that backs your conclusion. That is not science.

I am interested in health since I've worked in that field for eight years now. I am also interested in what needs to be done to help the health problems I have. My main focus of study has been nutrition. What types of foods are good for us and what do we need to eat to keep healthy? Is there a way of taking some of the food we grew up on and make it healthier? The answer to that last one is a definite yes and the cookbook I am working on is the result of those studies and experimentation. You can eat healthy without sacrificing taste. You can find those recipes here: http://members.aol.com/michelesrecipes/recipes.htm

The picture is called "Guardian of Knowledge."


Monday, August 28, 2006

Enforced Relaxation

After getting steadily worse my Mom got me into the doctor today. He confirmed what I had suspected that when I had the acid reflux attack that some of the acid had gotten inhaled into my lungs when I was chocking. That started the massive lung infection. He was shaking his head in that "not good" manner as he was listening to my chest. So I have another round of antibiotics to try and knock the infection off with and another round of steroids. What I hadn't anticipated was being ordered off of work until September 4th or the 5th in my case since the office is closed on Labor Day. 

I suppose I can use the enforced rest to plan out the calendar for next year and the Christmas card design. I have an idea for the picture but it hasn't come together yet on the screen.

The picture is from my Prisoner series and is called "Relaxing." It is something I have a lot of ahead of me.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thoughts From A Pounding Head

"Your mind by nature is very soft, but when you have troubles, your mind gets strong." Dalai Lama

My doctor while trying to find some relief for the arthritis may have accidentally triggered another lung infection. The medicine he was giving me caused a massive acid reflux reaction that woke me at 1 a.m. The next day I awoke to a massive infection in my lungs and I think some of the overflow from the acid caused something to go crazy in the lungs and now up into the sinuses. Needless to say the main focus of the day had been sleep.

I spoke to Mom this evening and we now have homes for momma cat and all four of the kittens. Next weekend when I hopefully feel better I'm going to see if we can catch the whole bunch and get them situated in new homes before any of the wild animals can harm any of them. We will be keeping the black one with the white spot on it's chest and the smoky gray one. In theory the gray one is mine and the black one my brothers but in all actuality Mom will share with both and I'll end up with all three cats in bed with me. May be time to start thinking about getting a bigger bed.

I’ve started work on my Christmas picture for this year and need to get started designing the calendar. I found a source on line that I’m threatening my local Staples with if they don’t get the calendar kits in this year then I will shop elsewhere.

The picture is called “Catmosphere” and will probably have to be updated in a couple weeks the show the newcomers.


Friday, August 25, 2006

Poor Baby

Poor little Pluto just because he is the runt of the litter it doesn't mean he can't still be a planet. I guess scientists decided that they needed to redefine what a planet is and Pluto got demoted to a dwarf planet status. I'd hate to be the one to have to tell him and his little moon Charon about the demotion. And speaking about planets what about that 10th one they were talking about? Haven't seen hide nor hair of that one lately either.

It isn't easy being on the short side. You get snarky songs like Randy Newman's Short People. Stores love to put the stuff you need most on the top shelf where you can't reach it. My local Wal-Mart had the 6 petite jeans where no one who could fit into them could reach them. Of course where I live there isn't really much of a demand for petite sizes. Mongo tents are common out here.You would think in farm country that the hard work would keep the weight down but it is just the opposite. I have never seen so many morbidly obese people as there are out here. Even at the hospital where I work the people who should know better have extreme weight problems.

The picture is Pluto and Charon from my Solar System series.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sympathy for the Devil

“Time is not a line, but a series of now points.” Taisen Deshimaru


I was reading how Paramount has dropped their deal with Tom Cruise because of his recent behavior. It is reminiscent of the furor at Mel Gibson because of his anti-Semitic remarks. As science would have it for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Tom Cruise is a not too bright, high school drop out, who has been brainwashed by the cult of Scientology. He thinks it is a valid religion however the founder was a second rate science fiction writer who made a drunken bet with some other science fiction writers that he could create a religion and get a tax break at the same time. It is a figment of L. Ron Hubbard’s imagination. None of it is real. It is a delusion.


How much is Tom Cruise responsible for his actions when he is spouting off his Scientology teachings? Do you feel sorry for him because he is being punished for his beliefs or do you want to shake him and say you have a brain use it? The truth is out there and nothing is stopping him from learning outside of Scientology. In a way I feel sorry for him but in a way I feel he has created his own problems.


Mel Gibson is the product of a hate filled home. His father denies the existence of the Holocaust. He is an intelligent man however and he should be able to overcome the prejudices of his childhood. Again I have some sympathy for him but he has made his own problems.


My ex has been told all his adult life he has deep seated problems and needs medication and long term therapy. He chooses to believe he is all right and the rest of the world is nuts and has the problems. For him I have little sympathy because he knows the truth and refuses to believe it. He is wrapped in his delusions and refuses to get the help that would make his life easier.


Sympathy is a very difficult thing. You want to feel the compassion that you should towards your fellow man but at the same time you know that there are consequences that arise because of one’s behavior. I guess the best you can do is hope that the people involved understand the wake up calls being thrown at them and do something about the real problems.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Little of This, A Little of That

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest." Mahatma Gandhi

"No man can purify another man." Buddha

As the effects of the illness linger I find myself fighting depression. I'm tired of dragging myself to a stressful job and then having no energy at home to do anything other then sleep. I want my energy back! My voice is giving out again which is what started the whole problem the first time.

One of the people at work noticed that my temper is starting to fray and we talked for about an half hour. She wants to see what she can do to help out now. I think it is finally dawning on people that I can only be pushed so far and that they are going to need to do something about the insanity.

I'm still mentally struggling with what I want to do and have felt very out of sorts for weeks now. I know the continued illness is having a detrimental effect on my emotional well being and I probably will have to go back on antidepressants until I recover my health completely. I don't like feeling blue and on the edge of tears all the time. I need to get hold of the depression before it takes hold of me.

The mama cat and kittens bolstered my mood this morning. I need to get hold of someone so that we can officially get the two we are keeping as indoor cats and one of the kittens a good home with a friend and mama and the other kitten a good home also.

For the next few weeks though I'm going to need to be selfish and think about myself. I need to get well and feel like I can do something again. I'm not any use to others at the moment. I have spent my whole life taking care of others and at the moment I need to take care of me. Once I have my physical and emotional life back in balance I can then focus on others. Right now Mom, myself and the cats are it. My focus, my life.

The picture is called "Singing the Blues."


Saturday, August 19, 2006


I saw my doctor yesterday and had a burden lifted from my shoulders. I had him explain all the blood tests scores and the things that had me concerned were the results of the massive infection I was fighting. The most reassuring words were that I am not in a prediabetic state. He explained the scores and that the standards had been lowered to show more people in that state but that it isn't a reliable indicator unless the fasting tests are done. I just feel so relieved. It has given me the impetus though to make some changes in my diet to make sure that I am eating healthier. I have a tendency to go for junk food more often then I should.

So far the peace I felt when I saw the butterfly the other day has continued to hold. Our chaplain at the hospital brought me in a wooden candle holder with a white candle and two butterfly ornaments on it. It was such a wonderfully sweet gesture on his part. He had come into the emergency room when I was struck down with that horrible flu and prayed with my mother and me. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met and he is definitely one of those quiet people who make the world a better place to be.

The weather is going to be on the soggy side this weekend but we still plan on seeing my Aunt. She is another of those people who makes the world a better place to be. My brother will be doing the driving. The one downside of the doctor's visit is finding out that I am still facing at least five to six weeks before the effects of this health battle subside and I see my strength return to full. I plan to write and do art while I'm waiting to get back to full strength.

Last night was a evening of laughter for me. The Stargate SG1 200th episode was everything a geek like me could ask for and the special proceeding it was also a hoot. It is the first time in quite awhile that had me laughing out loud for extended periods of time. I discovered that another lady at work is also a huge sci-fi fan and knowing she was laughing along with me from her home made it even more fun. I can't wait until Monday to talk to her about it.

The picture is called “Lost World” and is one of my Stargate pictures. Thanks for the laughter last night. I really needed it.


Friday, August 18, 2006

End of the Week

"He who thinks to reach God by running away from the world, when and where does he expect to meet him? ... We are reaching him here in this very spot, now at this very moment." Rabindranath Tigore

"The sole concern of learning is to seek one's original heart." Mencius

The weekend is finally arriving with a couple of pretty heavy quotes from my Oriental Wisdom calendar. It fits the mood I'm in. I'm seeing my doctor today for a follow-up and I'm asking him about the blood test scores that show prediabetes. I've learned that you have to ask him or he won't really give the answers you need.

In life you need to ask questions to get answers also. I guess the ultimate question has always been what is the purpose of my life? It is interesting to see how some people answer that questions by behavior in their lives. For some celebrities I guess the answer is party on. For some people it is to grouse about life and complain and make as many people miserable as possible. For some it is to help others.

In searching for the meaning of life mankind has also searched for a higher being and an inordinate amount of words have been spent trying to prove or disprove god's existence. I feel comfortable in my belief there is a God and s/he is with us always. I don't need to search on lonely mountain tops. S/he is a real presence. The original heart in the second quote is a search for a relationship with God that each individual takes. Whether they embrace him/her at the end of the search is up to the individual. You can not force belief on anyone.

The weekend brings my Sci-Fi night back and tonight should be fun on one show and kind of scary on the other. Stargate SG1 marks its 200th episode with what looks like to be a geek's gift of sci-fi references. I'm going to see how many I can count. Stargate Atlantis looks to be a real serious fight to regain a mind disturbed.

I was looking for new 3D models the other evening and came up with the one for Anubis from Egyptian mythology and decided that a Stargate tribute picture was in order.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


"To set up what you like against what you don't like - this is the disease of the mind." Sengstan

This may be a little more Zen then my sleep deprived mind can cope with this morning. I'm pouring the caffeine down as fast as I can. A couple more days on the medicines and hopefully my sleep pattern can reassert itself as I'm not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box on only a couple hours of sleep which is what I'm managing at the moment.

Upon looking at my quote for the day I can see through the fog a meaning. I think many of us unwittingly set up conflicts in our life. We feel we "must" do certain things even though we don't like them. A lot of this would do with setting unreasonable plans for ourselves. People choose a profession that they can make money at but something they absolutely hate. If the ultimate goal is "I'll make a pile of money and then get out and enjoy myself" by the time that money is made you are so shriveled inside that you no longer have the capacity to really enjoy anything. If a job that made less money but provided an enormous amount of job satisfaction had been pursued instead then your life would have had happiness all along.

I am one of those people who really don't need the biggest and best and newest all the time. I don't find my happiness in the material things. I enjoy the things I have but I will stay with the older things that have served me well rather then getting something new just for the sake of it being new. I love music but my system is a small little thing that fits in the space I have to put it in. For me though it is the music itself that is the joy.

Life is too short to be setting up conflicts for yourself. I feel life is best lived when you understand what it is that makes you happy on the inside. Do something you love with your life. You know the old saying "money can't buy happiness."

The picture is called "The Door To Your Dreams."

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Changes

"By your stumbling, the world is perfected." Sri Aurobindo

I made the effort to get hold of the test results for various procedures that have been done the last couple years at my local hospital because my doctor just doesn't tell me enough. It basically confirmed what I knew about the arthritis that it is getting worse and pretty much in most of the body. There isn't a whole lot you can do about osteoarthritis other then what I'm doing now anti-inflammatory medicine when it is real bad, keeping my weight down, moderate exercise, calling Arthur nasty names when he flares up. I knew I had a hiatal hernia but they have finally found a medicine that keeps it and the GERD under control. I've always liked the color purple.

The one that has me shook however is the last blood tests from that horrible flu I had. The glucose level is showing prediabetic. I have one brother who is full fledged diabetic and an Aunt who became diabetic after medicines she was put on triggered it. This weekend strength permitting I need to get into my storage shed and find the diabetic cookbook I created a couple of years ago for friends who were diabetic. I want to get this under control via diet so God willing it won't develop into full fledge diabetes. I have started making some changes is diet already and my morning coffee (or do you want any coffee in your cream and sugar Dad would ask) is now sweetened with Splenda and the Coffeemate that is made with Splenda. That way I can enjoy my coffee without all the high sugar.

As my quote for the day on my Oriental Calendar indicates I'm stumbling around to find a solution to the problems of my health. I'm not one to let things get me real down any more. Once I affirmed to myself that I have the final control over my life I see things not as set backs but as a challenge to overcome. Besides I need to make sure I have my energy up because mother has decided that two of the four kittens will be in residence and with three cats this place is going to be hoping and I know who is going to end up taking care of the critters.

The picture is called "The Door" and is from my Prisoner series but for me it illustrates where my head is at today. I have challenges ahead of me and I can either stand in fear of what is on the other side of the door or I can realize there are no walls and I am free to make choices that will be the best for me. In one of my short stories a character said, "Wisdom understands real fear. Ignorance ignores real fear. Courage overcomes real fear. Cowardice gives into imaginary fears." I know I am scared about this latest health thing but I am determined to overcome it.


Monday, August 14, 2006


We have some changes coming through in our lives. My younger brother got his disability so he will be able to live where he is at. This is a huge burden off of my mother. She has been so worried about him.

It looks like we are going to be getting two kittens instead of one. Mother has decided that we need to adopt the little gray one and the little black one with the white spot who is a real rascal. I'll check with the local SPCA tomorrow about how to go about getting good homes for Momma cat and one other kitten. A lady at work wants the third of the four kittens. I can see if now I'm going to end up being shoved off the bed by three cats. Sigh.

I am slowly starting to see a regain in strength. I still have a ways to go before I'm completely well but for the first time today I haven't felt totally wiped out. That is a good thing.

I still feel at odds at the moment. It is sort of like that feeling before a thunderstorm hits. It feels like a big change is coming into my life but I can't imagine what it is. I guess the only thing to do is try patience which isn't necessarily one of my strongest virtues. Not very Zen I know.

The picture is called "Perchance to Dream."



Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kick Back and Relax

I have been just kicking back and relaxing tonight. I did a bit of shopping earlier for myself and my mother. This evening I played around with my art program and have been listening to music. The extreme lethargy has not left and I really don't have the energy to do too much. I'm almost half way into the mega antibiotics and steroids that the doctor is throwing at what ails me. I'll be glad when they start to work. I need to feel better by next weekend because my mother wants us to visit her sister. I always enjoy going there because she is such a sweet person that she automatically makes you feel better just being near her.

Have you noticed that some people stick in your mind because they have an inner glow of joy that surrounds them and reaches out to others? They are people that may never be big stars in life and featured on the cover of People magazine but their impact on individual lives is greater then that of any super star. They reach out from the beauty of their souls to others and touch them in a way that makes them better for having known them.

If I have one hope for in this life of mine I hope that I may in some way help touch others for the better the way some have touched me. I would like to know that I have left this world a little better then when I came into it. I don't look for major changes but if I can in some small way help another person to make their life better then I will feel that I have done the job that God put me here on Earth for.

The picture is called "Out for a Drive."


Friday, August 11, 2006

We Made It

We are finally approaching the weekend. Eight hours of insanity and then I can decompress for two days.

Friday night is my only real TV night since it has Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. I am a real fan of both shows and no not just because they have some real cute eye candy for the ladies in the presence of Ben Browder and Joe Flannigan and coming back for a few episodes Richard Dean Anderson.

Both shows are touching subjects that while based in science fiction can also be seen as allegories in real life. SG-1 is dealing with a race of beings called the Ori who want to be worshiped as gods and their followers are true fanatics. You either worship their god or be destroyed. We can see in the real life how fanatical adherence to a religious idea can and does lead to horror and bloodshed.

Atlantis deals with a race called the Wraith who suck the life out of humans to live. They live by destroying others. Again in real life we can see how day to day struggles can suck the emotional strength out of a person leaving them a spirit less shell. I sometimes feel that this job of mine is doing that. I come home so weary especially now that I'm trying to recover from two illnesses.

I feel that it is important for every individual to really examine their own lives and see what part s/he allows externals to control their lives. It is important to have a good relation with God but make sure the teachings you are following are God's and not the ideas of a flawed man trying to interpret God into his own skewered way of looking at life. It is also important that you have something in your life that can reenergize you when the day to day living gets you down. For me that is my art and writing and reading. I just finished Dean Koontz's The Husband last night and again marveled at the talent of that man. Tonight I'll kick back for a couple of hours and watch my sci-fi.

The picture is called "The Gate" because it is Stargate night.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Energy Drain

I'm still lagging in the energy department. The medicine makes it hard to eat sometimes and the steroids are making me jittery. I'll be glad when this old body gets back to normal.

I'm finding myself with a major case of the blahs at the moment. Just don't have the incentive to do much of anything. I really need a break but I don't have any vacation until October. Wish I could hop on a shuttle and find that wormhole that would take me to Paradise. In fact that is why I named this picture "Escape to Paradise."


Tuesday, August 8, 2006


"You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative principle works in you." Paramahansa Yogananda

On the day my Dad died he was planting a bush. Gardening was one of his loves and remodeling the house and garden was his delight. He keeled over and was dead from a massive heart attack before he hit the ground. Mom tells the story of when she was standing there and as the paramedics were working on Dad that she knew he was dead. She saw a monarch butterfly and it landed on the bush that Dad had planted and stayed there for the longest time. Butterflies are very rarely seen where we live. Mom said she knew the butterfly was a sign from Dad that he was in Heaven and watching over us and that everything would be all right.

The last few weeks have been extremely hard on me both health and emotion wise. There have been major problems at my job. Yesterday as I was heading towards the ladies room I looked out over a small garden and there was a beautiful monarch butterfly. It was the first I had seen in the two years I have been here. Suddenly a feeling of peace came over me and I knew that the things I had been worrying about would be alright. My life will work out in a peaceful and happy manner. When I came home I did this picture that I am calling "Peace."

In my short story series I had my bard hero, Sean, tell a story to a little boy who was very ill. This is the story he told about a very special butterfly.

Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a pretty cottage. The little boy’s room faced a beautiful garden. He would sit in his window seat and watch the butterflies as they flitted from flower to flower. The little boy thought that the butterflies were the prettiest things he had ever seen. One day a beautiful black and orange butterfly came and sat on the windowsill. “Hello little boy. I often see you sitting inside looking out at us. Why don’t you come out and play?” the butterfly said.


“Oh I can’t,” said the little boy. “I can’t walk good and I tire so easily. My mother says I need to stay inside.”


The butterfly flew inside the little boy’s room and sat on the dresser. He could see that the little boy was crippled and could only move around with the aid of crutches. “I understand,” said the butterfly. “We could still be friends though if you would like.”


“I would like that,” said the boy,” I have never had a friend. How come you can talk? I didn’t know butterflies could talk.”


“That is because I am the Monarch butterfly and King of my kind,” the butterfly said. “I am magical.”


The boy smiled. “Oh how wonderful!” he exclaimed. “I know someone who is magical.”


The butterfly came back day after day to see the boy. He could tell that the boy was very ill. The Monarch butterfly would tell the boy tales of places he had seen. The boy loved the butterfly’s stories.


As time passed the boy became weaker and weaker and there came a time when he could no longer get out of bed. One afternoon after the boy had fallen asleep the butterfly went in search of the boy’s mother. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her head on her arms and tears streaming down her cheeks. The butterfly landed softly on her arm. The woman lifted her head and looked downat the butterfly.


“You are the one who has been talking to my son aren’t you?” she asked the butterfly.


“Yes I have,” the butterfly replied. “You know he is dying don’t you?”


“I know,” she answered. “His life has been so hard. He was born crippled and never had the chance to do things little boys should do. His father walked out because he couldn’t cope with a son that wasn’t perfect.”


“Do you believe in magic?” the butterfly asked.


“I never did before but then my son kept talking about this magical butterfly and I wanted to believe for his sake,” the mother said.


“I can tell you love your child,” the butterfly said. “Do you love him enough to let him go?”


“Death will take him soon,” the mother said. “Do you have something better to offer?”


“I do but I will need to take him far away from here and you will never see him again,” the butterfly said, “but it is the only place where he will be able to live.”


“Where will you take him?” the woman asked.


“The place where butterflies live forever in peace and beauty,” the Monarch butterfly answered.


“Take him,” the woman said softly.


“You will be lonely without him,” the butterfly said. “Are you sure?”


“Yes, I’m sure. If I knew he was happy and well then those memories will sustain me through my loneliness,” the woman said.


The butterfly flew up and gently touched the woman’s cheek. The woman would say in the years that followed that she had been kissed by the butterfly.


The butterfly flew into the boy’s room and landed on his hand. The boy woke and smiled weakly.


“Your mother said you could come with me,” the butterfly said.


The boy looked over towards the doorway where his mother stood. She smiled at him and said, “Go with him my love.”


The boy smiled back at her. “What do I need to do?” he asked the butterfly.


“Nothing, just follow me,” the butterfly replied. As the butterfly left the boy’s hand the boy turned into a beautiful butterfly. The Monarch butterfly led the new butterfly out the window and they flew to a land that was so beautiful that it has become the land of dreams.


Saturday, August 5, 2006


Do you ever have one of those days where you wish you could just climb into a spaceship and escape to somewhere, anywhere? I went back to work of Friday even though I was still feeling really sick and felt like I had walked into Hell. A really bad day all around.

I see my doctor on Tuesday and hopefully he can give me something to knock these multiple infections off.

There are two pictures the first is "Escape From" and the other is "Escape To."


Thursday, August 3, 2006

Short Break

I had an extraordinary scare yesterday. I had awakened at 5 AM feeling really sick but struggled into work any ways. At 10 AM I was doubled over in excruciating pain with muscle spasms hitting a band around the abdominal area in waves. Several hours in the Emergency Room later it was diagnosed as that new strain of flu going around. This is really nasty stuff. It will probably be a couple of days before I really feel like writing here again. The picture shows how my insides feel.



Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Weird World

If you don't believe we are living in a strange world all you need to do is read the news. There has been more then enough weirdness in the last couple of days. Mel Gibson's public meltdown and rant against the Jews couldn't have come at a worse time. The murder in Seattle, simply because someone was mad at Israel, shows how volatile things are for our Jewish brethren. I would hope that this would be a wake up call for Mr. Gibson to admit once and for all he is an alcoholic and he mustn’t touch alcohol again. Ever. Not even one drink. He is the only person who can help himself. His wife and children and friends are all helpless to make him stop drinking. Only he can do so. Once he gets himself sobered up he needs to find out where this animosity towards Jews comes from and remove it from his life. Jesus was a Jew and anti-Semitism has no place in a true Christian life.

Another story that had me shaking my head was rock star Alice Cooper planning to form a Christian camp for kids. Alice Cooper? He of the goth make-up etc.? Yes that Alice. He says that his rock persona is an act and the real proof of his life is in his behavior. A husband and father for 30 years without cheating. He gives his money for scholarships to young people who follow good Christian standards. It is how you live your life that counts. God cares what is in your soul not what is on your body.

The third story that gave me a chuckle this morning is from Michael Moore. Mr. Moore is saying that he has gone from fearing he would never work again because of his remarks at the Oscars to having conservative Republicans giving him hugs. If conservative Republicans and a liberal gadfly can hug and be civil then the rest of us can be civil to each other too.

As with many people my prayers go out to those involved in the Middle East conflict. I pray that there will be a solution that will allow everyone to live in peace and dignity. We need a solution that stops terrorism and allows Israel to live as a country without fear.

The picture is called "Chaos."