Thursday, June 8, 2006

Princess Bride

The wedding dress is finished except for the hem. I'll do that when I get down there to make sure it is the right length for her. I feel a great sense of joy knowing that I have made something that will be treasured and be a part of a wonderful celebration of joy and happiness when my niece marries a very good man who will cherish her and her children in a way that her first husband never did.

The joy I feel has been tainted however by an article I read the other day when right wing extremist Anne Coulter blasted four widows whose husbands were murdered in the World Trade Center destruction of 9/11. These four women want answers as to why their husbands died. They want to know how a tragedy like this happened. How did these terrorists get past our security to kill so many people including the loves of their life. Because they question the government for answers and because they had the audacity to support John Kerry instead of George Bush, Anne Coulter tells the world that she has never seen anyone enjoy their husband's death more then these four widows.

Once upon a time in America people had the freedom of speech and were able to support both the liberal and conservative point of views. They were allowed to support the candidate of their choices. They were allowed to take part freely in the process that we call democracy. Now however people like Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly and their ilk brand anyone who dares oppose their right wing view as spawns of the devil. They have vilified a political position that has a long an honorable reputation. They are incapable of allowing the freedom of speech to anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have dragged America's tradition of being a democracy with freedom of speech and the right to hold your political beliefs whether conservative or liberal into the sewer.

I am thoroughly sick of people like Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reily and their politics of hate. They throw God's name around as if He could justify their bile and hatred. They ignore God's commandment that thou shalt love thy neighbor. It does not say thou shalt love thy neighbor providing he is white Anglo Saxon Protestant conservative upper middle class heterosexual Republicans. It is not rain that you are seeing, it is God's tears.




Anonymous said...

I assume our older brother hasn't read this yet... remember, no political arguments in front of Mom.

Oh, and it's Ann, not Anne... which for some strange reason reminds me of the time you took me to see "Mary, Queen Of Scots" at the Vine Theater.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know older brother doesn't even know this exists. After ripping his head off last year he has learned not to discuss politics in front of me something mother has reinforced to him.

I still think "Mary Queen of Scots" was a good movie but for some reason I can't remember why I insisted you go with me. ;-)

Big Sister

Anonymous said...

Um... same reason you took me to see "Z"?