Thursday, November 2, 2006

Best Laid Plans

Okay so I didn't get around to working on next year's art calendar last night. I wanted to change pictures on my screen saver since Halloween is over and decided I wanted to do a new picture instead of using one I'd all ready created. It will probably be a major disappointment to a couple of jerks who were hoping that I'd be so traumatized by their stupid criticism that I could no longer create art. Well they lose again. I'm an artist deal with it.

You have to have faith in yourself if you are going to accomplish anything in this life. If you don't believe in you then you will never be able to get anyone else to believe in you either. There is a difference between an over whelming ego and knowing your abilities. If I were to say I'm the best artist in the world that would be ego. I'm not but I am a good artist who is learning more each day about the graphic art field. I discovered another area just last night in the edit function. Way cool! Sorry geek moment there.

Find out what you can do in life. Everyone has their own talents. Find your talent and work at it so that it continues to grow and flourish. Be the best you that you can be and don't let the turkeys get you down. Thanksgiving is coming up and we all know what happens to turkeys then.

The picture is called "Autumn Harvest."



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