Monday, December 17, 2007

Must Be Monday

"A tree that is unbending is easily broken." Lao-Tzu

Or is that chilly. We got clobbered with snow this weekend. I had to unbury my car this morning and chip off ice. I also just missed being impaled with an icicle when I opened the door this morning. This is not my favorite type of weather to drive in. My car doesn’t seem to understand the concept of traction on ice. I keep telling her she isn't Michelle Kwan and to stop skating. The weather also knocked our phone service out for two days. It just got fixed today.

I managed to get all the presents wrapped this weekend. It took two days but over 40 presents are ready to go and look so pretty. No one else in the family knows how to wrap and they all want the pretty bows, etc. that I know how to make. Oh well at least my older brother gets stuck with the shipping charges. He will do anything to avoid having to wrap. ;-) Tonight I will get the Christmas cards done and then I will be finished. Whoo-hoo!

Pixie had a ball this weekend "helping" me with the packages. I was about ready to wrap that cat up and send her someplace. There is nothing like trying to curl the ribbon only to find out it is sopping wet because the cat is chewing on it. I had a cat that use to do that with yarn when I was making something. I always said that Pixie is the reincarnation of Sasha. Both cute and both brats.

I like today's quote. Often times people get stuck in a rut and refuse to change. They have always done something one way and refuse to do it differently. They get in a mind set of being strong and unchanging without realizing that their inflexibility means that things can be broken more easily. You can try this experiment with a stick. If you have a stick that is dried out and inflexible it is easily broken. If you have a stick that is new and full of sap and bends it is harder to break. Life is like that. If you don't bend and remain flexible then you are putting yourself in danger of breaking. Life is not stagnant. Life is fluid. We have all heard the phrase "go with the flow." Remain flexible. Remain open to new ideas. It is the sap in our lives that keeps us young.

The picture is called Let It Snow."

The real counter is 6522

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