Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tiffany Gardens and Birthdays

Today is my birthday. Most of the celebrating will be done curled up asleep next to the cats while I try and fight off this cold. My head is pounding, the sinuses are dripping, I ache all over, my throat is raw. Still it will be a nice day. I already heard from an old friend and we chatted for over a half hour. He built my work horse computer years ago and it is still running strong. I heard from one brother and will probably hear from the other two out California and Texas way.

In spite of feeling like death warmed over I realize that I have a lot going for me today. For starters a tornado isn’t hitting the other side of town like it did the day I was born. I can still get around and take Spring pictures. I can still do my art work. I just spent a couple of hours trying to round up all the pieces of the art programs and put them in the same place so I can do art work. This weekend is devoted to new pictures.

My Mom is still sleeping as her sinuses are acting up from being out in the wind yesterday. She is frail but I have her for another birthday for which I am truly thankful. We had a horrible storm the other night but today is bright blue skies and fairly warm temperatures and that makes me happy. I have an art commission from my niece for her youngest child’s birthday next month. Working on my art always makes me happy.

It is a day to be in touch with good friends. A day to play on my computer. A day to ignore my cold and have a happy birthday. It is a day to look at some of the things that make me happy. I have my family. I have friends. I have good books to read. I have some of my favorite movies and television shows on DVD to watch. I have my artwork to work on. I am thankful that many of the people we see at the hospital will be covered b the new health care program. I have always felt bad that we had so many really sick people coming in and they have no way to pay for the health care they need to get well. Maybe now they will have a chance. Maybe now the new insurance company we negotiated with last week will pay for my mother’s continued care. Her other insurance took money each month but never seemed to pay anything.

So today I feel like my “Tiffany Garden” picture. It is full of Spring and color but at the same time all the textures are glass. Beautiful and fragile that is how life is today

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