Thursday, October 12, 2006

Better Day

We have sunshine today which means I can actually go out and walk for a bit. I'm feeling less stressed then I did yesterday and I'm in a better state of mind.

Yesterday's plane crash that killed Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle is a very sad thing. It shows again how fleeting life can be. My heart goes out to his wife and child.

We are in the season now where nature is edging towards the cold sleep of winter. We are seeing the last hurrah of color from the changing leaves and autumn flowers. It is natures way of giving us a colorful memory before it shuts down.

For those of us who believe in God and the afterlife this is the season where we contemplate death and rebirth. We know that death is not the end. We know that we will be reborn into God's love and spend eternity in a new life with Him. It brings solace when you lose a loved one.


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