Saturday, October 7, 2006

Took A While

Well it took a while but I finally got the font size problem fixed. I only had to download all sorts of "fix Windows XP" and the new Internet Explorer 7 before good old AOL understood I really did not want to see everything in monga letters. Now I need to keep the kitten off the keyboard.

Speaking of said rascal she managed to escape outside today when Mom was talking to the man who was doing our gardening. Mom was a wreck until she opened the door and Pixie came back in. She had my brother bring her up to me to make sure it was our kitten since their are two other black kittens in the litter as well as one gray one. Checking her carefully I could tell it was our little Pixie who is now the proud wearer of a purple collar with a bell on it.

What was interesting about the whole escapade was Mom's reaction. She became so upset when she thought that she had lost the kitten. This comes after days of her complaining that Pixie was keeping her awake. Mom actually said that she didn't realize how much she loved the kitten until she almost lost her.

It is a sad truth of life that often we don't realize how much we love someone or something until we lose it. Sometimes, as we had today, we get a second chance at appreciating something or someone. It is a good time to look around you and see what you have and what or whom you take for granted. It is the perfect time to show someone that you still care for them.

Merlin has finally decided that pouting wasn't going to make the kitten go away and now he is asking for his normal affection. He rubs up against me and Mom and is sleeping on my bed again. Pets need affection too just like humans. They need to be told that they matter and that we care for them.

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