Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why Art?

Why do we have art? Why do artists do art? Why art?

Cornell University in its web page on art focuses on several reasons as to what the purpose of art is. You can find their article here: http://char.txa.cornell.edu/art/introart.htm

What does art mean to me as an artist though? Why do I do art? Why do I spend so many hours working on a picture?

For me art is a way of expressing the thoughts and feelings that are inside of me. It is a way to create beauty or questions or whatever it is I am feeling at the time I am creating. When 9/11 hit I used my art that evening to try and deal with the horror and pain I was feeling. As a by product of that piece of art I was able to use that picture to raise money for the charities helping out at the disaster area. I was told by many people that my picture was a consolation to them at that terrible time.

My art is a way for me to talk to other people. It is a starting point in conversations. It is a way to communicate.

Sometimes I create art because I need to see beauty around me. I use my art especially in times when there is so much ugliness in the world as a consolation for myself and others. I use it as a reaffirmation that even during the darkest of times there is still beauty to be found. I know it is chic to criticize the work of Thomas Kincaid as too commercial but there is an incredible beauty to his work. I am glad his work sells so well and that so many people buy it. He is “The Painter of Light” and “it is better to light one candle then to curse the darkness.” He is bringing light into a dark world and for that I am grateful.

Art is essentially a very personal thing to each artist. We are drawn to art for various reasons. I was drawn to it because it allows me to give solid form to an over active imagination. It helps me understand myself as a person. I was drawn to it because it allows me to create beauty. It allows me to share myself with others. To all of the people through the years that have responded so well to my art I thank each and everyone of you. You are one of the reasons that I have thrown myself into my art. You have let me know that it makes you happy to see my art and the happiness of others is very important to me.

Sometimes I use my art to ask questions. My picture “The Door” asks if we imprison ourselves? Are we afraid to look at other avenues in our lives? Are we placing our own barriers?

Sometimes my art is just for fun. Sometimes I get in a silly mood and just want to play and hope others get a laugh as well.

Most of all my art is a way of sharing the talents that God gave me with others. I want to be able to bring beauty, or questions, or conversations, or humor, or solace, or whatever can help a person even if only briefly in their lives. The purpose of my art is the purpose of my life. I believe we are on this earth to help others and if my art can touch even one person in any way for the better then those long hours I put in on my craft are meaningful to me.

The picture is called "In God's Hands" and it was the picture I did the evening of 9/11.


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