Tuesday, April 17, 2007


"A single bad word can destroy a vast quantity of good." Valluvar

"Compassion is the pillar of world peace." Dalai Lama

Life is very fragile. Yesterday's tragedy at Virginia Tech certainly showed that. Their are 33 people dead and that toll may rise. We don't know yet what made the killer break down and take so many lives including his own. I'm not going to get into the whole gun control debate for that is for another day.

I learned how quickly death can strike when I got a call from my brother on May 4, 1999 telling me Dad had died that morning. He had been planting a bush and keeled over and was dead before he hit the ground. The hardest thing for survivors of sudden death is that you never had a chance to say goodbye. It is why it is so important to tell people you love that you love them every chance you get.

Yesterday did make a decision for me however. I had been contemplating a couple of places to go after Mom dies one of them Chicago and one North Carolina. I have chosen North Carolina because my niece and her family are there and they need me. I have always been her emotional support and her children do love me. I have decided that I will move close to them after Mom goes. I want to be able to tell them I love them frequently.

After Dad died I wrote this poem to express my feelings of missing him. It is called A New Star in the Sky. The picture is called Peace and is also dedicated to my Dad.

The real counter is 4929

A New Star in the Sky


I miss you more then I can say.

Why did God take you away?

There’s so much I want to tell you.

I’ve more love I need to give you.

For you brightened up my day

With the love you sent my way.


Who will share my dreams now?

No one’s there to teach me how

To make each day a joy to live,

To show me how myself to give.

Who will be my teacher now?

So I can be the best I know how?


Once I heard a little child say,

“My Grandpa he has gone away.

But God saw his shinning soul

And knew that we still need him so.

He took that light like it was clay

And formed a star to light our way.”


When I look at the star filled sky

I feel a peace and by and by,

I know that you look down on me.

As that peace embraces me

I know your love will never die

As long as stars shine in the sky.


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