Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Again

It is amazing how these Mondays keep rolling around. Weekends aren't long enough although this one I could have done without. We tried to catch the outdoor cats but neither Mom nor my brother are fast enough to help when trying to get wiggling cats into a box. As a result my left hand was clawed to pieces and is still very sore. I went to the Emergency Room that evening to get it checked out only to find that the idiot was the doctor in charge. He didn't even look at my hand! He prescribes a pain pill knowing that there weren't any pharmacies open. In addition to the hand bothering me I have a knot in the muscle right below my neck and by the spine. It is very painful and is probably caused by tension but I can't seem to get rid of the stress so that it may relax.

I did get out and walk this weekend and got some more pictures of Spring flowers. I got the web site updated with three new art pieces and with the new photographs. So in spite of the pain I'm in I was able to do something positive.

I am getting very tired of negativity and stupidity in what I am reading. The press focuses on haircuts and how much money Hollywood is giving which candidate rather then telling us the positions each candidate holds on various things that affect our lives. It is no wonder that people are focusing on stupid things rather then what is important. Take Barak Obama's middle name. He was named after his father and his middle name is Hussein. Hello! He didn't name himself! He was named after his father not Sadam Hussein! If you are going to say something about the man why don't you read his views and debate those not something he had no control over.

I really don't care what "star" supports which politician. They are free to support whomever they like just as you and I are free to support the candidate of our choice. I don't vote for someone based on who does or does not support that person. Neither should you. The only real concern I have with Hollywood at the moment is Scientology. It is a cult formed by a third rate science fiction writer as a tax dodge after a drunken bet with some other writers that he, L. Ron Hubbard, could make up a "religion" and get people to buy it. It preys on the people with limited education. Do you wonder why it is so against psychiatrists? Psychiatrists can see right through the hooey and prove that this whole thing in nonsense from start to finish. It isn't even good science fiction.

So hi, ho, hi, ho, it's off to work I go to face another week of a computer system that doesn't work and listening to my coworkers moan and groan about everything. So when is the weekend coming again?

The real counter is 4978.

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