Saturday, April 14, 2007

Soggy Saturday

"True morality consists not in following the well-beaten track, but in finding out the true path for ourselves and in fearlessly following it." Mahatma Gandhi

"It may seem unrealistic to think we can ever become free from hatred, but Buddhists have systematic methods for gradually developing a tolerance powerful enough to give such freedom." Dalai Lama

First let me congratulate my baby brother Jerry who is now part of the Sports Blogs Nation as their NASCAR blogger. Congratulations Diecast Dude. You will find his new home at

We are expecting rain and SNOW today. Ah life in the Midwest. As soon as the coffee hits the brain I'm heading out to do the shopping before the big stuff hits this afternoon. I am so sick of the weird weather around here. I'm sorry Easter has come and gone and I expect sunshine with my Spring.

I'm a little out of it this morning since the cats have been trying since before seven this morning to get me up. Pixie managed to pounce on my stomach twice as she was jumping from the window seat to the floor with my bed in between. She hates to be up by herself. She craves human companionship and since Mike left for work she decided that I needed to be up to pay attention to her. Cats are such narcissistic creatures.

I have the taxes done and filed electronically. The Federal one has an official acceptance and we are waiting for the State to do their thing. Of course the Feds are on top of it since they get money from me and the State needs to give me $8.00 back so they are dragging their heels.

Stargate geeks everywhere rejoiced last night when our shows came back on after being on hiatus for much too long. I enjoyed both of them immensely however it is kind of bittersweet knowing that there are only 10 episodes of Stargate SG-1 before it ends. The rumor has it that they will go to DVD movies. I sure hope so since I love that show. Atlantis will continue which is great because it has some great characters in it and an interesting villain in the vampire like Wraiths. Besides as my niece and I call the show it is Irish hunk night with Joe Flannigan in the lead. Definitely eye candy. ;-)

I am going to be spending time this weekend checking out agents and see about getting my book published. I have a friend at work who is very good at putting slight pressure on me to get going on this. I have a tendency to put things off so with her encouragement I will get going on this project. I have a lot of people pulling for me to succeed in getting published so I just need to make the efforts on my part to get it done.

That is one of the great things about humans. We can if we choose make a positive effect on other's lives. We can be a force for good if we only allow ourselves to be helpful and supportive rather then negative and snarky. That is something that many on the Internet don't understand. They think they are anonymous and that since they aren't dealing with people face to face that they can be as bitchy as they want. Wrong! Common decency does apply to the Internet as it does to real life. Before you criticize others get the mote out of your own eye.

The picture is called Dancing with the Stars. Again congratulation to my superstar blogging brother.

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