Monday, April 9, 2007


"No matter what you may be doing you are always free to whisper your love to God, until you consciously receive His response. This is the surest way to contact Him in the mad rush of present-day life." Paramahansa Yogananda

I learned a valuable lesson about following your instinct this weekend. Mom had been worried because she had only seen one of the two black outdoor cats. Sunday as we were getting ready to leave for church I heard a cat yelling. I first thought like Mom had been doing that it was one of the Tom cats calling for a female cat in heat. But there was something very wrong about the cry and I was determined to find the cat. I tried to pinpoint the sound and at first thought it was in the backyard and I started to look there where it suddenly dawned on me that it had to be coming from the small shed next to the house. I opened it up and there was our black cat. He had been caught inside there since Thursday morning without any food or drink. It was a cry of fear that I was hearing. It turned out that the man who was checking on the roof Thursday morning had shut the shed door not realizing that a cat was inside.

There has been much written, much of it derogatory, about woman's instinct but a cat is alive today because of it. I firmly believe that there is a sixth sense that allows us to know or discover things that are beyond our normal five senses. I would not have left by that door until next Sunday since my car is parked on the other side of the house and I only use that door when I go to church with Mom. Something just told me that there was a serious problem and I had to find that cat. Mom had never thought of looking in the shed and would have continued to put it down to Tom cats. She was so upset when she found out what had happened because she wouldn't have thought to check that shed.

I'm not a gambler and don't "play hunches" but I have learned over the years to pay attention to that sixth sense inside of me. If I had listened to it rather then my heart I wouldn't have married my ex-husband. Something told me that there was something seriously wrong when I was going with him but I ignored that little voice inside of me. Never again however, from now on I am listening.

So today I whisper a thank you to God for allowing me to find that poor little cat. It would have broken my Mom's heart to have lost him and she would blame herself until the day she died if the cat had died. She still blames herself now for what it went through although there was no way she could have known that it got locked into the shed.

I spent much of yesterday afternoon and evening updating my web site The snow flurries are gone for a while at least although it remains chilly so I figured I might as well put the Spring pictures up as well as the art work I had done since the last update. The Guardian series of pictures is really taking on a life of its own. I would say I've done all of the subjects I can think of but last time I said that 10 pictures jumped into mind.

The real counter is 4867.

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