Thursday, April 26, 2007


"The reverse side has also its reverse side." Japanese proverb

Work is leaving me with massive headaches lately. Ya gotta do this, no this, no this, I mean this and it has to be done yesterday before I told ya to do it! They ignore the fact that you are one person being asked to do numerous jobs all of them full time.

There are so many things that need to be done at home as well. It is no wonder that my most valuable possession is my pocket PC where I have all my reminder lists and things that I need to get done and when things are scheduled. It is the only way I remember anything any more, I write it down. Love my little electronic brain.

Sometimes I think we over schedule our lives with things to do and we no longer are able to enjoy the moment. There are too many gottas on our list. Life has a way of throwing roadblocks into the gotta do lists however. One of my gottas is I need to get out and walk more however Mother Nature decided to rain instead. She doesn't care about my gotta list.

Maybe we all need to stop and look at the time we schedule in our lives and see if any of it can be unscheduled so that you can just enjoy being alive. Enjoy the moment. Carpe diem.

The picture is called Lover's Sky. If you look at it closely you will see that the red object is something familiar.

The real counter is 5006.

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