Sunday, May 28, 2006

As the Mind Wanders

"Mind is the source of happiness or unhappiness." Buddha

I have a button somewhere that says "I haven't lost my mind it is backed up on tape somewhere." Boy I sure feel like that today. I got most of the flowers done last night for the wedding. I need to do one more bridesmaid's fan and then the bride's bouquet and a throw away bouquet. I'll also start on the dress today.

I just finished reading my newsgroup and ah man are things crazy there. One side has been planning an event that will raise money for a children's hospice in Wales and the other group tries to counter program an event in London and then denies they had anything to do with it but at the same time "bigs up" the counter event. I think some people have let illusionary power go to their heads. When you deliberately try and take attention away from something that is trying to do good just for the sake of your over inflated egos then it is time that you had a reality check and take a good look at what you have become.

I think it is important that every so often we stop and take stock of our lives and what we are doing with them. Are we happy? If not what is causing that unhappiness? It is something we can control or is it out of our control? Is the center of our universe ourselves? Where do others fit into our world?

I try to fashion my life using Christ's teachings that thou shalt love the Lord thy God and love thy neighbor as ourselves. For me those aren't just words but life lessons.

The picture is called "Field of Dreams."


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