Tuesday, May 16, 2006


"Taking the first footstep with a good thought, the second with a good word, and the third with a good dead, I entered Paradise." Zoroaster

My Dad flitted in and out of my dreams last night. It was a bitter-sweet experience. Sweet because I got to see his face again. Bitter because when I woke up he wasn't there. It did get me thinking though. Since I moved back here I have met so many people who remember my Dad with fondness. He truly touched a lot of lives.

We all have choices in our lives on what we are going to do or say. Some of our choices are good and some are not so good. Sometimes we need to sit down and take a good look at the life we have lead and see where it has taken us. Are we reaching our goals? My ultimate goal in life is that in my passing that people will remember me as a person who made a difference in people's lives for the good. I want the world to be a better place for my having been in it.

This was brought home to me in my newsgroup when I lost it the other day and blasted our resident troll. I apologized to the group and received numerous replies in support. To see that their were people on that group who see me as one of the best posters about a show we feel so passionate about helped me feel much better. It helped to know that I was making a difference for the better there and that people wanted me to stay and continue posting as I had.

In my last job I was able to help so many people because I focused on getting their dialysis supplies to them properly. I left the job with sorrow because I truly loved helping people. I have been able to help some people in my current job but not to the extent that I did previously but at least I can see some good that I am doing.

Today's' quote from my Oriental Wisdom calendar gives a good blueprint on how to live your life. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds are the way to help yourself as well as helping others. I want to be remembered as a person who cared for others in her life. I want to be able to greet my Dad in Heaven and tell him that I too will be remembered with fondness.

The picture is called "On the Edge of a Dream."



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