Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Last Perfect Day

In H.G. Wells classic book "The Time Machine" he talks about the last perfect day before the sun starts its journey into going Nova. That phrase is in my mind today. On this day in 1999 my father started his last full day on earth and by mid-morning the next day he was dead from a massive heart attack. It is a day of reflection for me.

If this were the last perfect day in your life how would you want to spend it? We all have regrets in life. There are people we have hurt. There are people who have hurt us. There are things we always meant to do but never got around to it. There are things we have done that we would like to undo the damage from.

Sometimes we need a little boost to encourage us to do things. Today would be a good day to call someone you have strained relations with and tell them that you are sorry for the estrangement and would like for things to be better between you.

It would be a good day to forgive those who have wronged you. Hatred and bitterness at those who have wronged you hurts only yourself not the ones you are angry with. It is not an easy thing to do. It took a long time before I let go the anger at my ex-husband. He was a man who almost let me die from an asthma attack. The man that the doctor warned me would try to kill me if I left him. I finally stopped to realize what a disturbed individual he really was and more then any thing I feel pity for him. He has the potential to do great things but he has squandered his life in petty jealousy and hatred towards others. He needs help but refuses to get it. He has made his life lonely and miserable and that is a very sad thing.

Today is a good day to let people know you love them. Sometimes we don't say it often enough and assume people know we care. Tell them today don't just assume they know. It would be a good day to give them a hug, a kiss, and let them know how special they are. I know I feel some comfort in knowing that I had emailed Dad on this day in 1999 and let him know I loved him.

The picture is called "Morning Has Broken." What are you planning to do on this perfect day?


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