Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Thoughts

"A wound caused by fire will eventually heal; but a wound caused by the tongue leaves a scar that never heals." Valluvar

What an incredible quote! It is so very true isn't it? I think we all can think of words that were said in our hearing that still hurt years later.

My mother talked to our surgeon on Friday night when she was at work. I had hoped they could do all the surgery at once but they will have to repair the hiatal hernia separately. That means I will need to under go two major surgeries within a couple week span. I'm not looking forward to this at all but if it stops the pain then I'll do it.

Doctor Who was down and outright spooky on Friday. I think it was really creepy of them to show the pictures of all the statues at the end of the show considering that the monsters looked like angel statues. I think I may be keeping a wary eye on statues from now on. I missed Torchwood yesterday because I wasn't feeling good and went to bed early. However I can get my fill of Captain Jack over the next three episodes of Doctor Who. He is the only interesting character on Torchwood as far as I'm concerned.

Some of my favorite shows are coming back soon. Heroes and  Stargate Atlantis will both be having new episodes in a couple of weeks. It should be an interesting season ahead of us.

I got the teddy bear from my brother's Cafe Press spot. You know something bear I would rather be blogging too.

The real counter is 6097.

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