Monday, November 28, 2005

Glad I'm Me

One thing that really struck me after a very frustrating day at work is that I'm glad I'm me. I have two coworkers who spend an enormous amount of time trying to cause trouble for other people. Both have such sour dispositions. My life may not have been perfect but I wouldn't change it for anyone else's life. I'm glad I am me.

I have always been a person who sees a glass as half full. Yes, I've seen disappointments in my life but I would rather be an optimist then a pessimist. A pessimist has nothing to look forward to because he or she is always looking for the bad in life. Life has both good and bad in it. I would rather dwell on the good things in life then wallow in the misery of rehashing the bad.

One thing I have is a sense of humor. It may be warped but it is still a sense of humor. Personally I blame Dad for it since he is the one who watched Monty Python with me. This picture is called "I Spy." Remember that game you played as a kid on those road trips? "I spy with my little eye something red or whatever." This picture is "I Spy with my little eye the reason why the dog can never win at hide and go seek." Enjoy the day.


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