Sunday, September 28, 2008

Listen to the Quiet

"When anger rises, think of the consequences." Confucius

"People who call themselves religious without basic human values like compassion, they are not really religious people." Dalai Lama

I was actually getting ready to write this column yesterday when I came across the news about the passing of Paul Newman. I find it incredibly sad that he is no longer with us. As a theater major I was attracted to him because of his acting. I think a lot of Hollywood never got pass those blue eyes of his to realize that the man was a major acting talent. My favorite of his movies though will always be The Sting and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Newman and Robert Redford had to be the ultimate buddy actors. They were so perfect together.

A lot of young people today really only know Paul Newman because of his food. His Sesame-Ginger Dressing is one of my absolute favorites and I use it as a marinade in addition to a salad dressing. Paul Newman gave millions in charity to help others. He was a political activist and a human activist. He is someone who put his money to work helping others. He was an extraordinary human being and will be missed.

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