Saturday, March 11, 2006


I think there are times in everyone's life when we would like to escape from something or someone and be elsewhere. Sometimes that escape takes the form of books or movies where we can immerse ourselves in another world for an hour or two. Sometimes we escape by day dreams. As long as we don't try and permanently block ourselves from reality a little escape is a good thing because it can recharge our mental batteries and make it easier to deal with real life.

I am an avid reader and have been all my life. My favorite types of books are mysteries and science fiction/fantasy. I love entering different worlds via the written word. I also love movies especially science fiction ones. The worlds of science fiction fascinate me.

For me the ability to create art work is also an outlet for an overactive imagination. The picture that accompanies this entry is again based on the Patrick McGoohan show 'The Prisoner" and is called "Escape." It is based on an actual picture that someone took of Portmeirion where the show was based. Looking at the actual picture made me think of what would happen if our hero was able to stop the device that was used to keep people a prisoner. Would he then be able to escape?

Today is one of those days when I would love to escape. The weather has been frightful with thunderstorms waking me up this morning. The storms knocked the telephone out for several hours and AOL has been badly affected. I am having trouble maintaining a connection. Ah I would dearly love to be on a beautiful tropical beach with a laptop and a secure wireless connection, a pitcher of mai-tais by my side. You have to remember I'm a geek after all.

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