Saturday, March 4, 2006


There are a lot of heroes in life, in literature, and on the stage and screen. Shakespeare said, "Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." There are many heroes in literature and film that I am drawn to. I tend to go for those who are reluctant heroes.

One of my favorite shows has always been MacGyver. I liked the fact that he used his head instead of weapons. As a self confessed geek I admire people who can think. One of the favorite jokes about the show was "just imagine what MacGyver could do with a lady's purse." The few times that Mac used his fists it always showed him as hurting his hand. Richard Dean Anderson went on to play another hero, Jack O'Neal in Stargate. I loved his sense of humor and they way he didn't always know what he was doing but persevered any way. I am also very fond of the character John Shepherd from Stargate Atlantis again a man with a sense of humor and one who makes it up as he goes along. I like heroes that can improvise.

Another favorite of mine is Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. It is my favorite book and I loved what Peter Jackson did with the movies. Aragorn was reluctant to be King because he doubted his ability to overcome the weakness of his ancestors. He was a man torn with doubt but when he was faced with the necessity to be the leader he was born to be he was able to find the courage to become the King he had to be for the world he knew to survive.

When I write my heroes are also reluctant. Sean would rather be a bard and not a warrior. Like many reluctant heroes he can step up and be a warrior when he has too. It is that reluctance that makes him so intriguing to write. I am suspicious of the gung-ho types who really want to wear the mantle of hero.

In real life, I like many daughters, saw my Dad as a hero. He was there for me when I needed him. When my world was falling apart he gave me the courage to go on. In his passing I found that he had instilled enough courage in me to continue to thrive without his active guidance. He is always there for me in spirit and in that I find great solace.

Heroes in ordinary life are the people that can inspire you. They are the teachers of life. They can be well known or ordinary people but by their words and examples others learn to find the greatness within themselves. Heroes are the role models in life. One of my greatness joys is knowing that my niece considers me her role model. I never set out to be a hero and inside I'm still the person I have always been. In my life I have always wanted to help others and maybe that is what being a hero should really be about. A hero thinks of others first.


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