Monday, June 5, 2006


"Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from an individual will." Mahatma Gandhi

I have kept up on the news about reporters Bob Woodruff and Kimberly Dozier both of whom were injured while covering the war in Iraq. They have both exhibited great courage and strength of will. First in their willingness to cover the news in a dangerous situation and then in their battle to overcome life threatening injuries.

We admire the athletes who show physical strength whether it be in baseball, football, hockey, NASCAR racing, basketball, Olympic sports, soccer, or any other sport you can think of. These people need to be in top physical condition in order to be at their peak playing ability. A lot of effort and grueling exercise goes into toning their bodies. Unfortunately some of them also pump steroids into those bodies which gives a very bad signal to their young fans. They are saying "go ahead and cheat it's okay as long as you don't get caught." When athletes use steroids they are showing a distinct lack of strength of will. It is an easy fix and they don't have to work as hard physically to get in shape because they are depending on chemicals to do part of the job for them.

There is another kind of strength that is as important as strength of body. That is the strength of will that Mahatma Gahndi spoke about. It is an inner strength that needs to be cultivated and worked on just as much as physical strength. It is the strength to work on our inherent flaws that all of us have because we are human. It is the necessity to work on a bad temper before it gets out of control and harms someone. It is the necessity to speak out when we see injustice. It is the strength necessary to keep our inner souls in a state of grace.

Strength is something that you find in yourselves when you are faced with personal catastrophes. It is that inner strength that will allow you to rise over whatever troubles are facing your lives and allow you not only to survive but flourish.

The picture is called "Phoenix Rising" and as the phoenix rises from the ashes so we too can rise from misfortune if we develop that inner strength that God gives us.


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