Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Mind is a Terribe Thing to Waste

“He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.” Confucius

“When we lose control over our minds through hatred, selfishness, jealousy, and anger, we lose our sense of judgment. Our minds are blinded and at those wild moments anything can happen, including war. Thus, the practice of compassion and wisdom is useful to all, especially to those responsible for running national affairs, in whose hands lie the power and opportunity to create the structure of world peace.” Dalai Lama

I rarely turn to the mainstream press for my news any more. I am more likely to watch The Daily Show then the Sunday morning interviews. An article at MSNBC whining about how Obama’s picks for his administration are too heavily stacked with intellectuals who attended top name universities is a prime example of why I consider the mainstream press as nothing more then hot air idiots.

As I write this I am sitting in front of my Dad’s wall of degrees and certificates. There are 10 of them including his Phi Betta Kapa. My Dad was a man who never stopped learning. I have tried to live my life the same way. For me there is always something that I want to learn more about whether it is the mysteries of space or the very real concerns about the climate or the effects of pollution on human health.

I have always felt that faith and the belief in God doesn’t negate the importance and belief in science. You can take science all the way back to the first primordial atom and the question still remains of how did it get there. My answer is God. I would rather have a science based God then one based on ancient beliefs. The Bible was written for the people of that time. To try and warp science into supporting a book that was meant to try and show its followers that a belief in a monotheistic God was valid at the time the book was written shows a disdain for the minds that God has given us. To totally ignore the research into science that has advanced this planet is stupid as far as I am concerned.

One of the most frustrating things for someone who loves science as much as I do is to watch as the last eight years has been a repudiation of scientific thought wrapped up in a pseudo-science in an effort to push one religious view down people’s throats. It is the same mind set that tries to convince people that Obama is a Muslin when he is a devote Christian but fails to realize that being a Muslin is not a bad thing. Every man has a right to worship or not worship God as they see fit. They have the right not to believe in God if they so wish. Personal religious beliefs are just that, personal.

To ignore the advances in science and to try and warp science into supporting a creation myth is a slap in the face to God. He gave us minds to use not abuse. God is big enough to support anything science can discover. God doesn’t need to be restricted in our ability to go out and discover how things work. S/He doesn’t want us to let our minds stagnate. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
The picture is called In the Beginning. It was inspired by an episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor took Donna back to the beginning on the formation of Earth and the Solar System.

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