Sunday, June 1, 2008


"In the dark I lost sight of my shadow; I've found it again in the fire I lit." A Zen Harvest

"Reaching out to help others may be as fundamental to our nature as communication." Dalai Lama

“Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you”
Billy Joel

I generally tend to avoid politics in this blog as there are so many political blogs out there but as today's description says I am "annoyed" to put it mildly. I am running into more and more dishonestly these days in every aspect of life and today's politics really have me angry.

The frustration has been building at work where I post payments to accounts. We have a new 10% discount policy where if you pay by 10 days after you receive your statement (the due date is right on there) you get 10% off of your bill. I get people who back date their checks to try and take a discount they don't deserve. I have people in collections trying to claim the discount. I have the envelopes that the check was mailed in and I refuse to give these cheaters the discount. Their are honest people who will drive into the office in order to make sure their check is in time. I am NOT going to contribute to dishonesty.

That is why Hillary Clinton will never have my support or vote. If she manages to steal the nomination I will sit out the election. I will not vote for her. Her lies and pushing to sit delegates who broke their own parties rules is disgusting. How can we expect anyone in private life to show honesty if she is an example of dishonesty in public life.

As far as I'm concerned that woman showed her dishonest side when she chose to stay with a serial philanderer for political reasons. It would hurt her political chances if she divorced him. She needed his position as ex-president to further her own political ambitions. I made the sacrifice and left an abusive husband even though I ended up broke, bankrupt and on the verge of a breakdown but I gathered my dignity and courage up an did what was right. Hillary did not.

Her whole campaign has been one dishonest raving after another. Remember "under fire in Bosnia?" Liar. Her whole "a black man is stealing my campaign." Racist. Her campaigning with an adulterer. A traitor to decent women everywhere.

There has been much made in the media about Hillary's feminist supporters. Bull. I am one of many women I know who refuse to support her. I am in her "demographics" according to the media. Maybe the media should try a little investigative reporting for a change and stop buying into political garbage put out by Hillary's machine. Women are not supporting her. We are disgusted with her refusal to bow out gracefully in a campaign she can not win. She is destroying her party and the election with her ego. All she cares about is herself. She is making a mockery of the work that women such as myself do in trying to win a better life for people. To try and push legislation that will clean up the environment. To try and get help for Mother's to go back to school and end the cycle of poverty they are stuck in because dead beat dad's are not supporting the children they create. We are trying to win decent packages to care for our brave soldiers who risk their lives on a daily basis. Hillary can't be bothered. She is in this only for herself. I resent the way from the start that she assumed that she would have my support because she is a woman and as a woman she represents me. No she doesn't. As a woman I repudiate you Hillary and every lie you have told. I repudiate your ego and the damage you have caused. You do not speak for me. I speak for myself.

I was thrilled when a week before the election the sign in the yard across from us came down. It had said "Hillary for President." The new sign says "Obama for President." I love that new sign.

The picture is called Guardian of Freedom. We all need to fight for our freedoms. Their are too many dishonest people out there wanting to steal them from us.

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