Sunday, May 3, 2009

Can You See What I Am Saying?

“A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.” Oscar Wilde

One of my favorite movies is “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” by Steven Spielberg. I was fascinated by the struggles that they had in trying to figure out how to communicate with the aliens. On e of the biggest problems we face on this fragile little planet of ours is our inability to communicate with each other. If we can’t communicate with our own species how are we going to communicate with an alien species? In the movie Spielberg used color, tones, and mathematics for man to communicate with the aliens. To communicate to the humans where the humans needed to go however is where art came in. The chosen people were sculpting out of mash potatoes, drawing in charcoal, using any medium they could find in order to see where it was they needed to be in order to meet the aliens. As an artist that is what resonated with me.

I have studied art and acting and music. It is a major part of my life. It isn’t something that I can really support myself with at this time but it is something that I can share and sometimes sell to others. In time I may be able to rely of the art to bring in some needed income but at the present time I have to be practical. I am using this time where I’m taking care of my mother to learn and adapt to new techniques in computer graphics. If you want to be a good artist you have to be willing to put the time in to learn how to do your art. When arthritis set into my hands too deeply to do the painstaking pen and ink etching that I use to do I learned how to use a mouse to create computer art.

In times of budget crisis in the schools the first thing that gets cut is the arts. I know many people believe artists are dreamers, and we are, but we also are the ones that this world may need to depend on to communicate with others. I am convinced that it is our ability to visualize and commit those visions to a medium where others can see what we see that will make the difference when it comes to communicating with other species.

My inspiration when I do art comes from many sources. I was reading National Geographic about the Cassini Mission to Saturn. I was fascinated by the moon Enceladus. I was frustrated however by the fact that we couldn’t land on that moon and see the view from the surface. The information I need to visualize the view from the surface was there for me to use. Based on what the scientists say I believe this is what it would look like. It is this ability that artists have to visualize from other sources be they written word, spoken comment, sounds, smells, a science report, whatever and translate this into something that can be seen by others that we will be able to contribute to vital communication between species.

I know that we are not alone. Mankind isn’t all there is in this vast universe of ours. As an artist I want to be able to use what talent I have to try and communicate with others. We have all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. We need to keep the arts flourishing in our schools and in our lives. We dreamers who are called artists have a job to do. We are going to be needed to help communicate mankind’s hopes and dreams to others.

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