Saturday, February 4, 2006


How often have you heard it is all a matter of attitude? Or he has such a sour attitude? Or she has such a positive attitude? Or that person really needs an attitude adjustment.  It’s all about the attitude. If you look at winners you see that they have an “attitude.” If you look at losers you see “attitude.” We all have attitudes as we go through life and our attitudes can change from situation to situation.


Generally I have an upbeat attitude towards life. It has always been easier to see a glass as half full then half empty. These last two weeks have really pushed my ability to be upbeat with acute bronchitis followed immediately by severe stomach flu. Finally however I am starting to feel better and things are looking up. That is subject to change however when I get to work on Monday and see how much work has been piled up on my desk while I was out sick. My attitude towards work has changed in the last year. I have come to realize that it is impossible to get ahead the way the job is structured and basically my attitude is that I will do what I can do to the best of my ability and not worry about the rest. I didn’t structure the job the way it is set up and the only thing I can do is my best. Attitude.


I find myself doing “attitude adjustments” at times. If I find I am getting upset at something I force myself to mentally step away and look at what is going on and analyze why I am getting upset. Is there something I am doing that causes the problem? Is there something that could be changed to make it easier? Is it something that is out of my hands completely? The most important thing is am I beating myself up because of this? I believe that our attitude towards life should be that we are important as individuals and we need to make our lives as smooth running for ourselves as possible. We have a tendency to beat ourselves up and we need to stop it. Yes we make mistakes but that is part of being human. Learn from the mistakes and move on. We are our own worse critics.


I do not like having to deal with people who have a sour attitude towards life. Doom and gloom. I was in a marriage for six years with a man who always looked for the worst in everything except himself. I would much rather be happy then miserable. If you look for only the bad in life you will find it. If you look at the bad in life as a challenge to make things better then a negative becomes a positive. When life hands you lemons make lemonade. That is what my grandpa always said.


I have a cat with a real attitude. At 7:30 this morning it was “I don’t care if Mommy is sleeping I want to play with my pink fuzzy face toy.” Boom, bang, crash, run, pounce, jump, roll. Sigh. Turn up the ocean sound on the sleep machine and roll over. Merlin has a short attention span and will stop shortly. A matter of attitude.


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