Thursday, February 9, 2006


I was thrilled with U2 picking up 5 Grammy awards last night. They are one of my favorite groups with their "Joshua Tree" being one of my most played CDs. Their album of the year "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" is their best album since "Joshua Tree." I like not only their music but the fact that they aren't ashamed to admit that they are Christians. There are a lot of religious references in their music. I admire artists that are not afraid to speak up and say that they believe in God. It is so easy to be cynical and deny a higher power. When artists such as U2 or Richard Gere, who is a practicing Buddhist, stand up and admit that they follow a religion it gives a good example to young people that there is no shame in being religious.

I have always been convinced that there is a loving God that looks over us. I have learned from my religious beliefs that we are put here on this earth to help others. My God is a loving God and I want to make sure that I live my life in a way that says thank you for the gift of life s/he has given me. My life hasn't always been easy but I have always felt God's love in my life and I knew that s/he would get me through the rough spots because s/he loves me. I feel sorry for people who do not have that comfort because they have abandoned God. Fortunately God does not abandon us. I have known die-hard atheists who have eventually come back to the God of their childhood.

The other thing that has made me happy is a new picture that came to me last night. I set it to render before I went to bed but the picture wasn't finished by the time I left for work. I came home to the completed picture tonight and was blown away. I am calling it "Call of the Wild." One of the things I am most thankful for is that God has given me my artistic talent. I love sharing my art work with other people.


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