Saturday, February 25, 2006


Have you ever had a dream where you could fly? I have dreams like that frequently. I love the exhilaration those dreams have of being able to soar in the air and fly to anywhere I want. I think one of the things mankind has always wanted was to be able to have the freedom to fly anywhere they dreamed of. Our ultimate dreams of flights are into space and visiting those celestial bodies we see in our sky.

There are a lot of sayings and references to flying in our everyday world. Someone is higher then a kite. Fly away. Soaring. On Eagle's Wings. On the wings of a snow white dove. Flying high. Flights of fantasy.

I am flying high today because I'm within a couple of inches all around and between 10 to 15 pounds from my ultimate weight goal. I am getting ready to sew a wedding dress for my niece. I have several new ideas for pictures. I just finished my 14th short story in a series and can now start looking for a publisher. I am happy.

Happiness is an emotion that I associate with flight. It is that soaring feeling you get when you dream of flying. It is one of the reasons that the hero in my short stories is a shapeshifter who can turn into a bird and fly. Sometimes I think we don't allow ourselves enough of that soaring happiness we need in our lives. We dwell too much on the things that get us down and not enough on the things that make us happy.

Our local paper had an article that talked about vacations in the future and that the ultimate trip for regular man would be going into space. I know that has always been a dream of mine. I would love to be able to go into outer space or step foot on the Moon or Mars. I have had a life long love affair with space.

I have always been amused by the saying "it is hard to fly with eagle's when you work with turkeys" because if you use the wings you have you can always soar above the turkeys who refuse to fly.

The picture is called "Flight."



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