Sunday, February 26, 2006

Deja Vu

The troll is back on my newsgroup with more lies and disrupting a thread for an event that benefits a children's hospice. He obviously was warned by his ISP because I reported him last night for violations of their Terms of Service. Today he is all apologetic which he always is after being warned. Again it is more lies.

Why do people lie? I know there were times I lied in my marriage when towards the end I still told my husband I loved him when quite clearly by that time he had destroyed any love I had ever had by his cruelty. Why did I lie? I was at the point in my life I would say anything that would give me a moment's peace.

My ex-husband told numerous lies before, during and after our marriage. He even lied to a Catholic priest. He was a pathological liar and incapable of telling the truth. He lied to make himself look good and everyone else bad but the reality was the opposite of what he wanted. He was the one who looked bad.

Why does the troll on the newsgroup lie? He thinks it gives him power over the others when the opposite is true. We can shut him down and have shut him down in the past. He has this pathological need though to keep posting all over the net and alienate people. He has no power because it doesn't matter what his name is we can tell it is him by the way he posts and looking up where he posts from.

Then there are the "little white lies" telling someone they look good when they don't. We have to weigh the consequences of our answers. If we are truthful and say no then that person's feelings would be hurt. I try to find something about the outfit that works to answer. That is a great color or interesting design or anything that I can say that would make the person feel good. I will tell the "little white lies" to try and keep from hurting someone's feelings.

Lies present a moral dilemma. The Bible say "thou shall not bear false witness" but it also tells us to "love thy neighbor." Is telling someone they look fine when you don't like the outfit false witness or loving thy neighbor? What if it is all they can afford and they are trying to do their best to look good.? Is not hurting their feelings more important then not lying? Was it all right to tell a man I clearly no longer loved that I did when the consequences of  not telling him would have been dangerous to my physical or mental well being? Sometimes life can be very difficult.

The picture is just called "Pig" and was done when we had two trolls plaguing the newsgroup. It was done to work off frustration. Art can be very soothing.

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