Monday, February 13, 2006


I have a summons for jury duty today. I don't know if I will be picked for a jury or not but I'm ready to serve if they need me. I know a lot of people feel that being called to jury duty is a major inconvenience however I would quite like to be on a jury.

The right to a fair trial should be given to everyone and the person is innocent until proven guilty. How often did we hear that in school? In reality however we can clearly see that for many that is not true. People are tried in the press and by their fellow citizens all the time. If you look at any celebrity trial, Michael Jackson for example, people have a field day deciding the person is guilty and trying to dig up information that "proves" their case.

In our daily lives were are quick to judge a person, even if he is a perfect stranger, based on our own prejudices. He looks like a crook, those types are always shifty, all of their kind are lazy good for nothings, etc. The Bible says "judge not lest ye be judged" but that doesn't stop us from passing judgment onto others.

When I was in high school I was on our school's champion debate team. We always had to be able to debate both sides in our inter school meets. It has taught me to look at things logically and see if a case is really proved or not. I look at the facts displayed in court during a trial not what the press or anyone else says.

If picked I know I will listen carefully to both sides and one of them better have a good solid case for either guilt or innocence if they want my vote. I need proof not supposition. Bring on the facts.


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