We have finally made it to the weekend. I'll know shortly if my boss got the raise in to payroll in time. I sure hope so I need to replenish my savings account.
The two cats are finally starting to tolerate each other. Merlin still isn't happy but he and Pixie are at least starting to sniff each other and aren't hissing quite as much as they were. Little Pixie is turning out to be quite fearless. She ignores the fact that Merlin is 15 1/2 pounds to her 2 and stands up to him. This makes Merlin back away.
Pixie is a good example of why size doesn't matter. She is fully capable, as small as she is, of taking care of herself. She also shows that bullies if confronted will back down. Bullies prey on those who are smaller and weaker then themselves. A bully really is a coward at heart. A bully wants to be important and dominate however by their very nature they are weak. A true leader does not need to assert his/her rights and influence by bullying those who are smaller and weaker then themselves. A true leader is one who strives to better the existence of those who are smaller and weaker and in doing so helps them to be stronger.
In life I am drawn to people who use their strength to help others. People like Mother Theresa, who was a very tiny woman physically, leave enormous footsteps to follow in. She helped those who were scorned by society. She was there for the poor and the helpless. I admire celebrities who will use their notoriety to call our attention to those who need our help. Brad Pitt reminds us that there is still a great deal of work to do in New Orleans. George Clooney reminds us that we must stop the genocide in Darfur. Bono reminds us that there is still dire poverty in many parts of the world. While those of us in ordinary life may not be able to reach the audience that a celebrity does we can still reach out and help others.
At the end of this day I'll kick back and relax. The Sci-Fi channel is starting the second season of Doctor Who tonight and I'll be watching. Like last week I'll probably have a kitten on my lap and a large cat wrapped around my ankles. I'll consider my day well spent if I have been able to help someone find help with their hospital bills.
The picture is called "Catmosphere" and I'll have to update it to put Pixie in the picture.