Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Return to the Fold

I'll be heading back to work in about an hour for the first time in over a week. While I am feeling better I am not at full strength and will need to take it slow. I can only imagine how huge of a mess I'll be walking into. I know two major jobs that will not have been done that will keep me working steadily until 8:00 p.m. tonight.

The enforced rest did provide me the time to design this year's Christmas card picture. I tried to tell my little machine to do something that it turned out that there wasn't enough CPU power for it to handle. I am going to have to seriously think about upgrading this machine if I want to continue doing art that has more complicated elements in it. I am pleased with how the picture came out however even if I had to go with version number two of it.

In redoing the picture using an effect that my machine can handle I was again struck by the fact that in life it is rare to get everything exactly the way you want it. The process of life is a process of compromise between individual's wants and needs and the wants and needs of others. I am generally pretty flexible about things. There is a point however where I will not back down and that is in the matters of my conscience. If I feel something is wrong then there is nothing in the world that can force me to act in a way that I know in my heart is evil.

The picture is called "Escape to Paradise" and no doubt I will be looking for that shuttle and wormhole to get me away from work by quitting time.


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