Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some Thoughts on Art

“Great is the man who has not lost his childlike heart.” Mencius

“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” Dalai Lama

I’ve got my calendars for next year. If you are wondering where I get my quotes from I get two daily calendars for the year. One is Wisdom from the East and the other is Insights from the Dalai Lama. Both are published by the Andrew McMeel Company and are well worth getting. I also have the calendar kits for my art calendar that I create each year. The hardest part for me is trying to decide which of the 12 pictures that I want on the calendar. The only constant is the December picture which is always the Christmas card picture for the proceeding year. I have my Christmas picture designed for this year. I am almost done with the calendar and can start printing them soon.

Other then that I am spending most of my time trying to help mother out on various things. I am very much hoping that she is finally finished with working at the hospital and come January she will start getting money in from her investments and retirement so she will have no excuse at all to work. Woo-Hoo!

We are starting to get winter weather here including a few snow flurries. Nothing substantial yet which is fine with me because I hate driving in the stuff. Snow may be beautiful to look at but I hate driving in it especially here because the normal idiots on the road are even more idiotic in the snow.

With the cold weather coming in I’ll be spending more time inside. I probably will spend the time once I’m done with Christmas in exploring how to turn the website into a business and start selling the art work like I have been promising myself that I would do for years now. It would be nice to get a little more money coming in. The more important thing for me though is getting the art out to the public. I really like sharing my art with others. I bring my new pictures into work with me and put them on my computer as screen savers. My office mates look forward to seeing what I am doing.

One thing about art is that it needs to be seen by others. Art should never be locked away and viewed only by a few people. I always feel a bit sad when I read about a private collector buying artwork for their own purpose because that is that much fewer works available for the public to see. Art for its own sake just doesn’t make sense to me. Why should a person create art that they don’t want anyone to see? Art should have the widest possible audience so that it may bring pleasure to as many people as possible.

The picture is called High Flight and several people have told me that they would love to be on that balloon.

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