Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bats in the Bedroom


"You must end where you begin; and as you begin in God, you must go back to God. What remains? Detail work. Through eternity you have to do the detail work." Swami Vivekananda

"For proper development I feel that we need a well-balanced education. We need inner spiritual development to acquire a warm heart, which is the basic requirement." Dalai Lama

What a day! It was one of those nights where I was having trouble staying asleep because of the arthritis acting up. Storms are coming in and the hot and humid weather makes my joints ache. I woke up at 2 AM and was just starting to doze off at 5 AM when Pixie came rushing into the room going absolutely berserk. She was running, jumping, leaping onto furniture and just going nuts. I figured she was chasing a bug. I turned on the small reading light when I heard something whizzing around and it was huge. I thought it was maybe a robin who somehow got into the house. When it alighted on the chain of a lamp hung from the ceiling out of Pixie's reach I realized it was a bat. Yuck! I logged onto the Internet and googled how to catch a bat. At that point I realized I was going to need help as I didn't have any thick gloves. I woke my brother up and he got on his Army gloves and I gave him the coffee can I emptied out. He got the creature while I was holding onto Pixie who wanted her toy. Mike says the bat let out the loudest screech when he got it outside. Needless to say I didn't get back to sleep. And where was my big cat Merlin you ask? The big wuss took one look at the bat and Pixie trying to get at it and decided he was going to hide out in the hallway.

While reading my email over my morning coffee I found out that the heat index was going to be 105 and thunderstorms, some severe, were coming in tonight. The rest of the day didn't get any better and I ended up with a headache and a half.

Last night I was reading about the new planet that NASA announced that was the biggest planet discovered so far. As they have done in the past they make an exciting announcement and blow it with the illustrations. Remember the gas planet they announced that had three suns? Yep the one where the artist drew a rock based planet. Well this time the artist did a nice little picture of Jupiter next to a huge sun. Sigh. NASA have you thought of telling your artist about a little thing called gravity? You know Newton and the apple thing. Yeah that. You put any planet that close to a sun that size and there is no planet. Gravity from the sun will rip it apart. Either NASA needs more intelligent artists or they should hire me to do their art work. My picture is what they scene should look like.

The real counter is 5811.

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