Monday, August 6, 2007

Mad Monday

My art is my safety valve for when I get frustrated. All of a sudden pictures are popping into my head and I'm averaging at least one new picture a day. I currently have one rendering and a new one that I am waiting to do for when the new machine frees itself up. The great thing about the new machine is that it is so fast that I can plan on working on the next picture in a few minutes rather then waiting until tomorrow like I would have to do with the old machine. However the old machine has the advantage that I can play my games on it so it is still an important part of my life. Besides it is the one hooked  up to the internet and the printer and scanner so it is still the workhorse around here. Also one of my art programs won't work on the new machine so I copy the final pictures to a disc and do what I need to do over here as far as sizing etc.

I think the two computers point out a very important fact in that the newest technology may be great but there is still room for the older things. It was one of the biggest problems I had with my ex in that he always wanted the newest of everything and nothing had meaning for him. I have many possessions that are old but they were given to me by people I love and I see no reason to get rid of them. I am sentimental by nature and I love surrounding myself with things that remind me of happy times and places and people I have loved.

Sometimes I think we are in too big a hurry and lunging for the future without taking any time to remember the past or live in the present. We always seem to ask children what they want to be when they grow up. How about asking them what are they doing now? You only have the present once and need to live in the here and now. Future goals are great but not at the expense of having a wonderful now.

The picture is called Gas Mining. I was inspired by the headlines in the paper where the city of Chicago is furious because Indiana's gas refineries have decided to dump more waste into their river. I would imagine in the pursuit of wealth there are probably more then just this planet who build up technologically without thought as to the environment.

The real counter is 5799.

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