Friday, August 3, 2007


"I think you can tremendously influence the world if you yourself are not violent, if you lead actually every day a peaceful life." Krishnamurti

It has been a very long week and Friday finally managed to make it here. I'm looking forward to two days away from the rat race.

There are many things that bring a smile to my face. I was greeted this morning by Pixie who likes to come in as soon as she realizes I'm awake. I don't know how she manages to figure out what moment I wake up but she is always there radiating love. It is such a sweet way to start each day. Merlin will wander by too but he has never been as affectionate as some of my other cats in the morning. He cuddles up at night though and lets me know he loves me.

I finished putting together my audio unit and now have my boom box in the bedroom where I can listen to music before I go to bed. Lately I have been listening to Michael Crawford’s The Disney Album. It has some truly beautiful music on it and I love Michael’s voice. What a beautiful sound to fall asleep to.

My little electronic brain otherwise known as my pocket PC has my Doctor Who reminder on tonight. We are finishing up a two parter with the Daleks tonight and it really looks good. I've mentioned before how impressed I am with David Tennant's talent as an actor and how I love his version of the Doctor. What I am even more impressed with though is him as a person. He takes time to thank his fans for the birthday presents they sent. He just lost his mother to cancer and he takes the time out from his grief to thank the fans for their sympathy and for raising money for the hospice where his mother was. That shows a genuinely decent person. Having dealt with some very egotistical actors in my day I really appreciate it when an actor realizes that the fans are who make him a star and the actors who really appreciate those fans.

We have a handy man coming today who always tries to make time to help my Mom out around the house. He doesn't charge her nearly what another person would because he considers her family and wants to do whatever he can to help her out. He is another truly decent person who cares for others.

I really would like to get back into a profession where I can help other people. I find that I am most personally fulfilled when I can help others. That is why we were put here. We have our fellow man and our planet to care for. If you have the gift of life you should thank God for that gift and use it wisely and compassionately.

The real counter is 5775.

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