Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Weird Wednesday

"Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn the clock back and try again. All we can do is use the present well." Dalai Lama

Wouldn't you know it I promise to be good and not whine about work and today happens. Oh well a promise is a promise. Needless to say it is going to be more then interesting tomorrow.

So what else can I write about? How about Michael Crawford. I managed to get hold of a "highlight" album from Phantom of the Opera with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. I love Michael's voice and I wish Sarah would learn to enunciate so I could understand the lyrics. I was listening to Phantom last night before going to sleep. I have two other albums by Michael his Disney Album and the Live Concert album. I love both of them. He has such a beautiful voice and you can understand the lyrics because he knows how to enunciate while singing something Sarah still hasn't mastered. My two favorites from the Disney album are the Lion King medley and I Know the Truth from Elton John's Aida.

Music is something that is a vital part of my life. I have always loved music and I love to sing. I miss being part of a really good choir like I was in California. Our church here doesn't have a choir and a majority of the cantor's can't.

I think some of my favorite music is Celtic music and I am a huge fan of Clannad and Lorena McKennit. The Celtic Women CD my brother got me for my birthday is also really nice. Of course the old standbys of the Clancy Brothers and the Irish Rovers get played a lot as well as the very funny Seamus Kennedy. My Dad absolutely adored his salute to the Armed Forces.

I don't know if it is the cold I'm fighting or the fact that I consciously decided to ignore work but I'm finding I'm relaxing enough to start dreaming again. I think we not only work out problems while dreaming we also see glimpses of the future. If that is the case I have an interesting time coming up in my future. One that promises a lot of laughter and love.

The picture is called Ready for Romance.

The real counter is 5877.

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