Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sleepy Saturday

"A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all." Chinese proverb

"There is no reason to give up hope, because we have this marvelous intelligence. Because of this intelligence we also have a certain positive potential." Dalai Lama

I have spent most of the day napping. I have the world's best teacher in Merlin who has a PhD. in napping. That cat spends more time sleeping then any other creature on Earth. ;-)

It is going to be a weekend to stay in and try and get well. Monday is going to be horrific as we have to get all the posting done for not only the day (we will have two day’s mail) but also all of the posting for the month end and year end. Fortunately my partner came back on Friday and actually worked. She is going to have to work and not talk all day Monday if we are to get out of there before midnight.

I just finished uploading my latest art work to my web site. I actually got all of the Chinese Zodiac done. For the most part I'm satisfied with them. One of these days however if I get the money I want to buy some high definition models for the pictures where I had to resort to photographs to do them as well as a couple with models that aren't that great. You can find it at

I'm playing around with space pictures now. A news story about an asteroid heading towards Mars makes me want to yell "duck" at Marvin. Boy is the astronomer who was saying he hopes the asteroid hits Mars going to be in big trouble when the little green Martian hears about that. Marvin isn't exactly known for being even tempered. He is one of my favorite cartoon characters however.

I'm still following the story in Pakistan carefully. The whole thing just screams of cover up. The only thing we can do is keep the poor country in our prayers and hopes it doesn't explode into a violence that destroys that country too.

The real counter is 6583.

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