Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday Ramblings

"In fact, it is dubious that one can even speak of "experiencing" reality, since this would imply a separation between the experiencer and the experience." Chőgyam Trungpa

"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances, is a brother or sister." Dalai Lama

I'm a little sore today from going to the store yesterday and carrying in some heavy packages. Not bad though, just a little sore.

I started printing out pictures last night and considering that the temperature is hovering at 20° I'll probably stay in today and continue to print. Just call me a wimp.

My hairdresser asked me an interesting question yesterday. She wondered if I ever sleep or if I create in my dreams. I was thinking about that and I do create in my dreams. I have had story ideas and picture ideas that have come directly from my dreams. For me dreaming is like watching movies. Sometimes the scripts make sense and sometimes they need a rewrite. Sometimes my reality has its base in my dreams. My personal dreams are what helps me stay alive and happy. It is our capacity to love which makes us human.

The picture is called Snow Days.

The real counter is 6481

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