Monday, January 9, 2006


I really wish I knew how to teach responsibility. I come from a family of five, four boys and little old me. Two of my brothers have grown up to be responsible adults. They have careers. One has just published a book on NASCAR and has been a professional writer on and off for many years. He got me into blogging. The other one has been in a government job for close to 30 years. He was always interested in helping taking care of the environment and put himself through college with a degree that would get him a job with the EPA.

The other two brothers are the despair of my life. Both have gone through two marriages a piece and expect that if there are problems Mom should be the one to bail them out. One has let his diabetes get out of control when if he had taken care of it from the start he could have only had to watch his diet and not take insulin. He stayed in a dead end job that eventually caused disabling injuries to his hands and knees. There are other jobs he could be doing but he sits at home and feels sorry for himself. He expects Mom to bail him out and even wants to move out here so that Mom can take care of him.

The oldest brother is lucky he still has a head because I came very close to ripping it off yesterday. We were visiting my Mom's sister and Mom slipped on the curb and oldest brother rather then making sure she was okay stood there and talked blocking my and my cousins way to grabbing hold of Mom. We shoved brother out of the way and got to her before she fall over backwards but he should have escorted her from the car and safely to the sidewalk. As my Dad always said his head is up in the clouds and locked. My brother has wasted his life and refuses to help himself with anything. The Army owes him back pay but he doesn't pursue it.  He is always mooching off of Mom rather then paying his own bills. Where he squanders his money Mom and I can't tell. He is always fishing for compliments for himself but couldn't see his Mom looked pretty in her raspberry jacket yesterday. He never thinks to compliment someone else.

Responsibility how to do you teach it? How come three out of five of us got the teachings of our parents and two failed so miserably. As it said it "The King and I" it's a puzzlement.

The picture is called "Sometimes Whn It Rains."

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