Friday, January 6, 2006


Tonight is Geek night. The Sci-Fi channel is showing the season premiers of Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica. We have been waiting since September to see how the cliff hangers are going to be resolved. While the shows are a science fiction fan’s delight I see a parallel to our own lives in them.


Stargate has dealt with a race who tried to convince other worlds that they were gods. They actually were slavers to whom life meant nothing and other beings existed only to be used. Their supporters were fanatics who killed anyone who didn’t agree with them. When the race was finally defeated by mankind another even more treacherous race appeared who believed they were gods. Again their supporters were fanatics who destroyed anyone who wouldn’t worship the false gods. You can see the parallels in the volatile world we live in. The people behind terrorist attacks have convinced their followers that they are doing god’s will in spite of the fact that their holy books say the exact opposite. How can a war be holy if it is against the commandment thou shalt not kill? Gullible minds are being brainwashed into thinking they are doing god’s will when they are actually doing what the devil wants.


Stargate Atlantis has dealt with a race that sucks the life out of beings. I see the parallel to various cults including Scientology. Scientology can convince a high school drop out like Tom Cruise that he knows more about the human mind then scientists and doctors. I had suffered from depression when I was in the throes of an abusive marriage and its aftermaths. Vitamins are not the answer. Cults prey on people that don’t have the education to know that they are being lied to. It is as if what reasoning power they have is sucked right out of them.


Today’s news had another quote from Pat Robertson that had me seeing red. How can anyone think that God, who so loved the world that he gave us his only Son and the Son who loved us so much he willing gave his life for our  sins, would ever afflict a world leader with a stroke because he was trying to affect a peace agreement to stop the hatred and the war that has raged for over fifty years?  How can he say that God would send a fanatic to kill a world leader because he was trying to bring about peace? How can he suggest we kill a world leader? What sucked the brains, compassion and conscience out of this man?


Battlestar Galactica is dealing with a person who let power go to her head. Mankind is fighting for its life in the show and she is trying to play god. How often in this world have we seen leaders take godlike powers unto themselves in the name of what they think is right?


Science fiction may seem like fairy tales to some but it has always had an element in it that makes you think. That is what drew me to it when I was eight years old and that is what still draws me to it now.


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