Friday, January 27, 2006


Time can be a funny entity. Without even going into Einstein's theories and the way time behaves in regards to the speed of light it can still play tricks on you. Time is supposed to be 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour, 24 hours to a day, right? So how come time seems to move at a variable pace?

If you can't get to sleep at night it seems like time just drags. If you are stuck at work and everything seems to be going wrong time slows down so you are stuck where you don't want to be forever.

If you are excited about being somewhere special then time flies by so you need to leave just after you got there. When you are running late time also speeds up so that you are racing time to get where you need to be.

I think the worst sense of time has to belong to cats. Merlin has been waking me up at 5:30 in the morning because my brother has been working an early shift all week and he is up. I thought this morning would be different because my brother is off today. So what happens? 5:30 AM rolls around, Mike doesn't get up and Merlin wakes me up because it is 5:30 and Uncle Mike didn't get up. Sigh! I can hardly wait until Indiana goes on daylight savings time for the first time this year and I have to try and reset that kitty tummy clock.

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