Saturday, January 20, 2007


"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back." Chinese Proverb

Once I get the shopping out of the way I plan to get my web site updated as it has been several months since I have done that. I want it updated before I send out the pictures that I want to send so that people and companies will know that I'm available to do free lance art work. I have some recent work that I want them to be able to see.

I was noticing in the news that the United States no longer has the monopoly on stories about racism or other ism attacks. A reality show in Great Britain has come under attack for racist remarks and of course the person responsible had to say she wasn't a racist. There is a lot of denial that goes on with prejudice people. They make these bigoted remarks and immediately deny they are a bigot. Then why are you making the bigoted remarks? Get a grip if you make bigoted remarks you are a bigot. People are never going to get over their bigotry if they don't acknowledge it in the first place. Some people act like denial is a river in Egypt a bad joke and not reality.

The picture is called The Road Less Taken and one of my personal favorites.

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