Thursday, January 24, 2008

Can't Manage That

"Even our enemy is useful to us because, in order to practice compassion we need to practice tolerance, forgiveness, and patience, the antidotes to anger." Dalai Lama

Don't get me wrong I am really in awe of the Dalai Lama. He is a fantastic person and does so much good for the world. Unfortunately he is also an example of why I could never be Buddhist because I can not seem to ever get the serenity into my system and anger out of my system for good like he can. I must work on that.

Work is driving me nuts. After 15 months we are still working with a broken computer system and finding new errors every day. We are getting slammed by anonymous critics in the paper and the Administration will not give out the truth or support us. It is no wonder that moral is so low in my department. When they reported about the meeting today and how they are waiting to let the people know the truth and not stick up for us I let them know just what I thought about them throwing us to the wolves and not supporting us. If you want to keep good people you stand behind them and don't let them be the fall guys because you picked the wrong computer system. I also tore into a coworker who tried to blame me for a computer problem that I did not do. I did my job right and I let her know in no uncertain terms she was wrong and she was not going to blame me. End of story. I am tired of having to do her work and my own because she is always goofing off. I get dumped on more and more because I do the job right. I’m tired and stressed and have just about had it.

Okay end of rant. Sometimes you just have to get it off your chest.

I have found a way to fix a problem I have been having with the animal pictures in DAZ. For some reason the eyes were always coming out as black holes. I love black holes in space but hey not in my pictures. I discovered by accident the fix for it and as a result redid about a half dozen pictures and now the dragons and big cats have actual eyes. I also redid my picture Sailor's Warning when I came across a better ship model.

I use to hesitate about redoing the art I wasn't real happy with and putting up both versions when I redid a picture but I realized one day that was foolish. If I didn't like the original enough so that I redid it why not just put up the version I redid and like? Art needs to be fluid and evolve. That is what I am trying to do now is evolve in my art and make sure that I don't get stuck in a rut. That and a little anger management.

The real counter is 6674

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