Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Well It's Wednesday

"It has occurred to me that a seeker after truth has to be silent. I know the wonderful efficacy of silence. I know the secret of silence." Mahatma Gandhi

It is silent outside at the moment. Of course it is also 14 degrees and snowing but at least the wind isn't howling so maybe I can get some sleep tonight. I love this old house but upstairs when the wind is howling it is pretty scary. It is even more scary in a thunderstorm.

I have been doing a lot of art the last few days. I have so many ideas floating around of pictures that I want to do. I have done a couple of space ones including today's picture called Great Balls of Fire.

The first art I did on computer was space art and I find that I still love to do that type of art. Many times pictures taken from the Hubble telescope or space probes are my inspiration. I love the idea of combining science with the arts. Too often we think that the two are not compatible and should be kept separate. Life is too short however to separate things out into little compartments. You are science and stay away from art over there. Science you must be logical and art you must be more spiritual. Why can't science be spiritual and art be logical once in a while? I do my art on a computer and it is run by logic. Science is the study of nature which was created by God.

My love of science and astronomy lead me to science fiction which led me to art. There is room in my life for a little of everything. That's the way life should be. Once you compartmentalize life and try and shove it in a box well that way leads to madness. It is a mad enough world without making it worse.

The real counter is 6606

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