Thursday, January 3, 2008

Too Totally Thursday

"Although I try to hold the single thought of Buddha's teaching in my heart, I cannot help but hear the many crickets' voices calling as well." Isumi Shikibu

It has been a long day. Work wasn't as bad today as yesterday just a little frustrating since they decided we needed to do something new as of the first but hadn't bothered to tell us. You have to post this way but hey we forget to tell you or your boss, however you can be sure you will get blamed if it isn't done right even thought hey we forgot to tell you what to do. Oh well at least tomorrow is payday. It will be my first full paycheck in months. Of course part of it will be plowed back into the hospital to pay for the bills.

My best friend at work is taking a new job and tomorrow is her last day. We are bringing food in to celebrate. I went to the store and got the fixings for three of my dips. I'm doing my spinach dip, my chili con queso, and my double onion dip. It was fun to cook again after not having done it for so long. It is the one thing I miss about living here. Neither Mom nor my brother like spicy food or anything out of the ordinary so I don't cook hardly at all.

What I am doing a lot of is art and that is good its own way. I can still be creative. I am even more creative since I have recovered from the operation. Of course I could wish this stupid cold would go away then I'd really feel great.

The picture is called My Blue Heaven.

The real counter is 6610.

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