Monday, December 31, 2007

Another Year Gone

"Another year gone - hat in my hand, sandals on my feet." Basho

Actually I'm in my stocking feet but that's another story. Another year is winding its way down and soon it will be 2008. I have a couple of pictures rendering and soon will snuggle under the covers and see if I can figure out the perpetrator in the latest Andrew Greeley mystery. So far I haven't a clue which is why I love mysteries so much. I hardly ever figure them out so I'm always surprised.

It has been a mixed year for me as always. My job has changed at work and the best I can say for it is that it allows me to pay the bills and keeps the cat in style he has become accustomed to. I've watched my Mom's arthritis become worse and worse where she can barely hold a pen but still refuses to retire. I had an unexpected major surgery that went well and for the first time in years I am relatively pain free in the abdominal area.

The best thing for me in 2007 has been the growth of my art and writing. I have my first novel done and am starting the second one. I'll be checking with agents at the beginning of the year to see about trying to get it published. Gauging from the reactions to my art calendar this year my art has really grown in strength. For that I am truly grateful. My art is my solace in times of stress and the happiness it is bringing others is a real blessing. I have found that in the last couple of months since recovering from surgery that the picture ideas are coming faster then I can do them. I have more then once had both computers rendering pictures at the same time.

So as this year ends in a snowstorm that is coming in there is much to be grateful for. I am grateful for those of you who read this blog and I wish all of you a wonderful New Year.

The picture is called The Apple.

The real counter is 6594.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sleepy Saturday

"A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all." Chinese proverb

"There is no reason to give up hope, because we have this marvelous intelligence. Because of this intelligence we also have a certain positive potential." Dalai Lama

I have spent most of the day napping. I have the world's best teacher in Merlin who has a PhD. in napping. That cat spends more time sleeping then any other creature on Earth. ;-)

It is going to be a weekend to stay in and try and get well. Monday is going to be horrific as we have to get all the posting done for not only the day (we will have two day’s mail) but also all of the posting for the month end and year end. Fortunately my partner came back on Friday and actually worked. She is going to have to work and not talk all day Monday if we are to get out of there before midnight.

I just finished uploading my latest art work to my web site. I actually got all of the Chinese Zodiac done. For the most part I'm satisfied with them. One of these days however if I get the money I want to buy some high definition models for the pictures where I had to resort to photographs to do them as well as a couple with models that aren't that great. You can find it at

I'm playing around with space pictures now. A news story about an asteroid heading towards Mars makes me want to yell "duck" at Marvin. Boy is the astronomer who was saying he hopes the asteroid hits Mars going to be in big trouble when the little green Martian hears about that. Marvin isn't exactly known for being even tempered. He is one of my favorite cartoon characters however.

I'm still following the story in Pakistan carefully. The whole thing just screams of cover up. The only thing we can do is keep the poor country in our prayers and hopes it doesn't explode into a violence that destroys that country too.

The real counter is 6583.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


"The greatest prayer is patience." Buddha

The problem with today's quote is that I am the original "God grant me patience and I want it now" person. Not being real patient today. It has been a long week and things are going to pieces at work and I'm exhausted. My best friend there has had it and is taking a job else where. If I wasn't battling such a cold I might feel a little more tolerant. Just a little. Not much however.

One of the problems at work is the same as one of the problems I was experiencing tonight while reading the news articles. Stupidity. Some people are their own worst enemies. It is pretty stupid to call in sick but refuse to talk to your manager because you are ticked off because she didn't specifically tell you she was taking a couple of days vacation. Hello? You are going to jeopardize your job for spite?

I was shocked to read about the assassination of Bhutto in Pakistan. She was a very courageous woman and fought for freedom and against terrorism. We have lost a major ally with her death. A volatile situation has become worse. So what were these readers doing? Playing the stupid political blame game or engaging in vicious  name calling of the dead woman.

Another story was about how Angelina Jolie was named the number one celebrity for her charity work.  The woman is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations. She and partner Brad Pitt have worked hard to try and rebuild New Orleans when others have ignored it. So of course these readers have to call her a whore and home wreaker because Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston got divorced. Like they know what really happened in a marriage. Come of folks it is Hollywood. Marriages rarely last there. Angelina and Brad both have done an enormous amount of good in helping the poor around the world.

These people remind me however of a lesson I learned at bookstore where I worked in Denver called Tattered Cover. The owner there said that you could find any book you want from extreme right wing to extreme left wing and everything in between. Why? Not because she agreed with everything that was written but because she believed in something more important. Freedom of Speech. Everyone has the right to speak. The idiots that make their inane comments have they right to make fools out of themselves. And trust me they are.

What irritates me the most in this political year is the fact that both sides feel they have the right to name call and make derogatory comments about anyone who doesn't agree with them. They have totally ignored the fact that there is something called “debate” where you can discuss in a civilized manner the pros and cons of a position on anything. They also forget that if someone allows freedom of speech on their web site or blogs it doesn't mean that the person agree with everything that is said. It means they have the courage to let others make fools out of themselves if that is their choice. You have a variety of opinions and the opinions expressed by others are not necessarily those of your own. Freedom of Speech.

The picture is called Guardian of Freedom.

The real counter is 6572.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

"If in the midst of your enjoyment of the world you have a moment, try to help in however small a way those who are downtrodden and those who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not help themselves. Try not to turn away from those whose appearance is disturbing, from the ragged and unwell. Try never to think of them as inferior to yourself. If you can, try not even to think of yourself as better than the humblest beggar. You will look the same in your grave." Dalai Lama

Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born to you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." Luke 2: 1-14

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that this day will find you surrounded with family and friends and love.

My picture this year is called Keeping Watch by Night.

The real counter is 6560.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Night Before Christmas

"If you see God within every man and woman, then you can never do harm to any man or woman." The Bhagavad-Gita

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house the cats are making more noise then a two ton mouse.

It is amazing how two cats one at 15 1/2 pounds and the other at 9 pounds can make so much noise. I swear it sounds like a heard of elephants running up and down the stairs.

So on this night before Christmas I hope you are having a wonderful time with family and friends.

The picture is called Winter's Beauty.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Softly Sunday

"Cultivation of tolerance for other faiths will impart to us a truer understanding of our own." Mahatma Gandhi

We usually get the Sunday paper mainly for the comics and coupons. Rarely do the comics get a laugh out of me any more since they are rarely funny. The Family Circus cartoon today reached out to me. In it the family was looking at a nativity scene and Dolly is saying "Poor baby Jesus he never gets any birthday gifts because he was born on Christmas." Quite a profound statement isn't it?

If you were to give Christ a birthday present what would it be? Looking around the web at some of the vicious comments people make about people they know nothing about I would think tolerance would be a good gift to start with. There is something about the anonymity of the Web that makes people think they can say anything they want and act in any manner they want. They think they are hidden from everyone. Not true. Even if you hide behind an assumed name you are still showing the world your true self. You are showing the viciousness and evil that you have allowed to corrupt your soul. You aren't hiding from anyone except yourself maybe. Certainly God sees you as you really are but you know something He loves you anyway.

God so loved the world that he gave us His only son. If He can make that much of a sacrifice for us don't you think we can try to be more tolerant of others. If you wouldn't want that kind of viciousness aimed at you why do you think you have the right to aim it at someone else?

There is a birthday gift we can give Jesus. It is called tolerance and love and caring of our fellow human beings. We all have our faults. But we can improve ourselves.

There are more tangible gifts we can give. Put some money in the Salvation Army buckets that are around town. Go through your closets and clothes that you don't wear donate to charity. Someone who can't afford clothes will be able to use them. When you go grocery shopping buy some extra food and donate it to a shelter so that people who are starving can eat at Christmas.

It is Christmastime. Don’t you think it is the perfect time to show love towards others?

The real counter is 6549.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Soggy Saturday

"Learning that does not daily increase will daily decrease." Chinese Proverb

It is getting ready to rain and turning to snow tomorrow. It looks like a lot of rain tonight and a little snow on Sunday. Won't be a white Christmas this year.

I will have to make one trip out to get to the bank and the store and then stay home and baby this cold. Not how I wanted to spend Christmas hacking and blowing my nose. Oh well at least I am recovering well from the surgery.

I love the proverb for today. Learning is something that has to be on going. Once you refuse to learn more you may as well give up. Life is a constant adventure and something is always going on in the world that you can learn from. I always follow the latest advances in astronomy because of my love of outer space. I also follow medicine and science in general. But I will also strive to learn other things. Currently I am reading about the Chinese philosophy of Taoism. I am fascinated by Eastern philosophy because it is so different from ours.

While we are all different one thing remains the same. On Tuesday we will celebrate the birth of Christ who came to Earth for all of us. The picture is called All Creatures Great and Small.

The real counter is 6542

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Totally Thursday

"What is the soul? The soul is consciousness. It shines as the light within the heart." The Upanishads

"When we die nothing can be taken with us but the seeds of our life's work and our spiritual knowledge." Dalai Lama

The last of the presents got mailed today and my cards were mailed yesterday. Mom was so cute she asked for two sheets of stamps and they gave her the comic book Super Heroes and the Yoda stamps. She could not figure out who Yoda was and was amused that I was so enthusiastic about the Yoda stamps. Poor Mom she may be the only person in the United States who doesn't know who Yoda is. I told her that her granddaughter and new grandson-in-law were comic book fans and use the comic book stamps.

I am glad that we only have one more day this week. It has been very frustrating at work. My co-worker has everyone ticked off because she doesn't really like her job or want to post any more and I can't do it all. They know that they may have to pitch in and help me post because it all has to be done before we can go home on the 31st. Not only month end but year end has to be done and they are really trying to clean up the books which means there is a lot heavier posting then usual. We all really like her as a person but we do wish she would pull her weight.

The weather has warmed up a bit but more cold weather is coming in on Sunday. I don't know if we will have more snow for Christmas or not. We may have to make due with the leftover snow from the last storm.

On Tuesday we will celebrate Christmas. I am off but both my Mom and brother will be working in the evening. We will start our day with Mass. After all it is Christmas and it really is about the birth of a little baby in Bethlehem. In this hustle and bustle of commercialism it is good to remember what the day is really about. It is a day of love.

The picture is called Eastern Star.

The real counter is 6535.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Tango

"It is God who comes to you in the guise of a true and noble friend to serve, inspire, and guide you." Paramahansa Yogananda

I'm finishing up the last of the Christmas cards and I will officially be finished with all of my Christmas stuff. Whoo-hoo! This is the earliest I've ever gotten done.

I have to highly recommend the album I'm listening to, Josh Groban's Noel. It is quite simply the best Christmas album I have ever heard. He has the most beautiful voice and the arrangements of the songs are spectacular. It starts with my two favorite Christmas songs Silent Night and The Little Drummer Boy. If you want something to sooth you and get you in the Christmas mood this is the album to do it. I'll definitely be getting more of his CDs.

The heavy snow and ice is starting to melt. Of course we will probably get more soon. It looks like it will be quite a snowy winter this year. This is the earliest I remember it snowing since I moved out to the Midwest.

I have to admit that wrapping gifts this year was a real adventure. I kept threatening to wrap Pixie up and stick her in a box until I was done. She is cute but what a rascal!

The picture is of the ice on the trees from our last storm. It shows that even when the weather is bad it can still have beauty. Often when things look the darkest we forget that there is still light and love. He was born on December 25th.

The real counter is 6526.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Must Be Monday

"A tree that is unbending is easily broken." Lao-Tzu

Or is that chilly. We got clobbered with snow this weekend. I had to unbury my car this morning and chip off ice. I also just missed being impaled with an icicle when I opened the door this morning. This is not my favorite type of weather to drive in. My car doesn’t seem to understand the concept of traction on ice. I keep telling her she isn't Michelle Kwan and to stop skating. The weather also knocked our phone service out for two days. It just got fixed today.

I managed to get all the presents wrapped this weekend. It took two days but over 40 presents are ready to go and look so pretty. No one else in the family knows how to wrap and they all want the pretty bows, etc. that I know how to make. Oh well at least my older brother gets stuck with the shipping charges. He will do anything to avoid having to wrap. ;-) Tonight I will get the Christmas cards done and then I will be finished. Whoo-hoo!

Pixie had a ball this weekend "helping" me with the packages. I was about ready to wrap that cat up and send her someplace. There is nothing like trying to curl the ribbon only to find out it is sopping wet because the cat is chewing on it. I had a cat that use to do that with yarn when I was making something. I always said that Pixie is the reincarnation of Sasha. Both cute and both brats.

I like today's quote. Often times people get stuck in a rut and refuse to change. They have always done something one way and refuse to do it differently. They get in a mind set of being strong and unchanging without realizing that their inflexibility means that things can be broken more easily. You can try this experiment with a stick. If you have a stick that is dried out and inflexible it is easily broken. If you have a stick that is new and full of sap and bends it is harder to break. Life is like that. If you don't bend and remain flexible then you are putting yourself in danger of breaking. Life is not stagnant. Life is fluid. We have all heard the phrase "go with the flow." Remain flexible. Remain open to new ideas. It is the sap in our lives that keeps us young.

The picture is called Let It Snow."

The real counter is 6522

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weird Wednesday

"Of course, there may be differences in our cultural background or way of life, there may be differences in our faith, or we may be of a different color, but we are human beings, consisting of the human body and the human mind." Dalai Lama

The last couple of days have been hectic at work. Of course it would help if they didn't keep pulling us away from our desks for 2 hour meetings. It does make it difficult to get your work done if you aren't where you can actually do the work. I have come home absolutely exhausted.

I am almost done with all the Christmas things. I have two calendars and a couple of pictures left to print. Then comes the chore of wrapping every thing. My plan is to get it all done this weekend including the cards. We are expecting between four and eight inches of snow so it will be a good weekend to stay home and try and get some stuff done.

I have been getting some amazing response to my art work. In this last year I think that I have done some of my best work. I don't know what has happened to make the creative juices flow the way they have but I have come up with some of my best ideas for pictures. I am seriously thinking of setting up that on line business in the coming year. I could use the extra money with the medical bills.

I really love the quote from the Dalai Lama today. It brings home what I have always believed that there is only one race, the human race.

The picture is called Magical Mushrooms.

The real counter is 6509.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Madness

"A loving altruistic attitude has only one face, kindness to others." Dalai Lama

Well I made it through my first day back to work and I am so tired I'm shaking. Everyone was delighted to see me back. I took the calendar in and everyone raved about it. The favorite picture seemed to be Waterfall.

I have a ton of things to do but tonight I am just going to crash early. There is no way I can work on wrapping gifts or anything else. I didn't expect to be this tired.

I love today's quote and it is very appropriate for this time of year. As we are busy shopping for gifts for family and friends it is a good time to drop some money into the Salvation Army buckets that you see in front of so many stores. Their are a lot of people who are in need and this is the time of year that we should be thinking of others. It is the season to give to not only those we know but to those who are strangers to us but in need.

The real counter is 6500.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


"We should find perfect existence through imperfect existence." Shunryu Suzuki

My brother and I went to the mall this weekend and finished up his Christmas shopping. I still need to print a couple of gifts and I will be done. I still haven't started on the cards but hope to do that in the next couple of days. I now need to wrap everything. Sigh. What a job. I'm the only one in the household who really knows how to wrap things so they look nice so that is my job every year. It is a challenge to find new ways to decorate the gifts up.

I go back to work tomorrow. I'm sort of looking back to going although I'm sure they left things a mess for me. I did get my yearly raise however which was nice. Of course a chunk of it will go back to them for the hospital bill. Sigh again.

I'm in a melancholy mood tonight. Part of it is fatigue since yesterday wore me out. Part of it is missing people who are no longer here. Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of my Aunt Hazel. She was my role model in life. She never married and made her own way through life. She was an Army cook during World War II. She traveled all over the world. She had two foster daughters in Korea to whom she sent money to and supported. When she retired she started going on Senior Hostel tours where they would visit places and stay at hostel hotels and take classes about where they were visiting. Through Aunt Hazel I learned that I could always be my own person and my life should never be defined by others.

One of my favorite memories of Aunt Hazel was an evening in San Francisco where she and I had dinner and then sat down with a German/English phrase book. She and her sisters were going to visit Germany and Aunt Hazel wanted to know how to pronounce things in German and since I minored in the language at college she asked me to help. It turned out that the phrase book she bought was written and printed in England. We ended up in absolute giggle fits when we were trying to translate typical English phrases about the boots and bonnets of cars into the German. What a wonderful evening of laughter.

In later years my fondest memory of my Aunt was when she told me how proud she was of me and the science fiction conventions that I ran. What a wonderful feeling it was to know that my hero was proud of me. I will always treasure that moment.

I, in turn, was later to become a role model for my niece. It was one of the most challenging and daunting roles in my life. It made me want to make sure that I was the best person I could be. I took many of the lessons I learned from my Aunt to heart. I have always tried to learn as much as I can and refuse to let age be a factor in how old I feel. You are never too old to learn something new.

Heroes. We all have heroes in our lives and we in turn can become a hero to someone else. Being a hero is scary but so rewarding.

The picture is called Circle of Life.

The real counter is 6493.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Finally Friday

"Men must be decided on what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigor in what they ought to do." Mencius

I'm making real progress on getting the Christmas stuff done. Almost all the pictures are printed I just need to get them mounted. I hope to start on the cards this weekend. My brother wants me to go shopping with him this weekend so he can get his shopping done.

After having spent almost two days earlier in updating my web site I have actually been updating as I go along for the last few days. I added some winter photographs today. We got about an inch or so of snow last night.

I'll be heading off to work on Monday. I think they will be glad to see me back. I can sure use the money. I got good news from my insurance company as they paid all of the surgeon's bill. The major expense is going to be the hospital bill.

I was checking on the links in my web site and on the whole I am satisfied with my progress as both an artist and photographer. I don't know everything about either craft and I am still working to improve my skills. But those couple of individuals who were tearing me down last year are wrong. After looking at what I had up I can confidently say I am an artist. More importantly I forgive them their cruelty.

The picture is called The Rose.

The real counter is 6486.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday Ramblings

"In fact, it is dubious that one can even speak of "experiencing" reality, since this would imply a separation between the experiencer and the experience." Chőgyam Trungpa

"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances, is a brother or sister." Dalai Lama

I'm a little sore today from going to the store yesterday and carrying in some heavy packages. Not bad though, just a little sore.

I started printing out pictures last night and considering that the temperature is hovering at 20° I'll probably stay in today and continue to print. Just call me a wimp.

My hairdresser asked me an interesting question yesterday. She wondered if I ever sleep or if I create in my dreams. I was thinking about that and I do create in my dreams. I have had story ideas and picture ideas that have come directly from my dreams. For me dreaming is like watching movies. Sometimes the scripts make sense and sometimes they need a rewrite. Sometimes my reality has its base in my dreams. My personal dreams are what helps me stay alive and happy. It is our capacity to love which makes us human.

The picture is called Snow Days.

The real counter is 6481

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

"Only the intelligence of love and compassion can solve all problems of life." Krishnamurti

I have been really busy the last couple of days trying to get art work completed for Christmas gifts. Because of the time off from work I can't afford much in the way of material gifts this year so this year I'm giving art work. It is a gift from my heart.

I am finally starting to feel like myself and I'll be going out this afternoon to get my hair cut. So of course Mr. Weatherman decided to snow. We got maybe a 1/2 inch but it will be enough to make the roads slick. I'll also be doing grocery shopping for Mom since her back is hurting her. It feels good to be able to resume my normal life.

I also got around to ordering the things I need like the bobbin holder for my sewing machine so I can use it. I want to start sewing again. I also ordered my calendars for next year so that I can continue with the quotes you see at the beginning of the blog. If you are interested in getting the calendars I am using Wisdom of the East and Insights From the Dalai Lama. Both calendars are available on Amazon and kudos to Misty from there for her excellent service is fixing the problem with my order.

I like today's quote because it really ties into the Christmas season. So many times we get caught up in the buying frenzy and bogged down in the material aspects of the holidays that we forget that this is a religious time. Christ's message is one of love and compassion. I find that message is especially true this year for me. I explained to my family that I couldn't afford much this year and I was planning on giving art work. They all understood and indeed they sound like they are looking forward to receiving my pictures. I can print them here at home and mat them. It may not cost that much to do but it will be a personal gift and a sharing of myself.

The picture above is called Venus Skies and I had to do it after reading the article where scientists discovered there is lightening in the skies of Venus. How Cool!

The real counter is 6476.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Art Frenzy

"First of all, accept yourself." Swami Prajnanpad

I have been in an absolute art frenzy the last couple of days. I am planning on giving art as presents this year. I got my new art machine back yesterday and already I have redone two pictures that I did way back when I started and four new ones.

I like today's quote. Sometimes the hardest thing to accept is the truth about yourself. We tend to want to be something that we are not. It is important to recognize who and what you are as a person and to accept yourself as you really are. It doesn't mean that you can't change negative things about yourself. You just need to know yourself.

The picture is called My Best Friend.

The real counter is 6469

Saturday, December 1, 2007

One Down

"Just as a deep lake is clear and clean, so do the wise become clear after hearing the truths." Buddha

"Through practice it is possible to perceive every sentient being as a friend." Dalai Lama

I finally finished a major update to my art web site. It was getting too unwieldy as it was. I went ahead and took off some of the old pictures that I had redone. I figured if I wasn't satisfied with them the way they were why should I leave them up. Art is suppose to grow and evolve. I have two more pictures that I am going to redo today. The site is at

My brother is on the way over to pick up my art computer. They have only had it since November 15th and finally I got hold of someone today, after leaving messages, and it is fixed. Sigh. Customer Service? Not in this town.

I am finally starting to feel better and like my old self. Still lacking a bit in the energy department but definitely things are looking up. I am taking next week off and hopefully I'll be up and running by the following Monday. I've run into a couple of people from the hospital who tell me they miss me and my Mom has heard the same thing from other people. It is nice to be liked.

I finished a cookbook for my niece. Her husband is a vegetarian and she needed to know how to do a vegetarian meal plan. I went through and set up 50 meal plans for her with an explanation of how to get more plans based on what is in the book. It was a massive amount of work but it is something she will use and treasure. I am hoping to finish the rest of the gifts this week and then get started on my cards. I will also try and post here more often.

Today's quotes remind me that in order to have friends you must be a friend. That is something that many people have a problem with. Being a friend isn't buying stuff for people. I can purchase what I need. I don't want the material things in life. What I am looking for is someone who will be there when I need them. Someone who will listen to me when I need to talk. In turn I will be there for them and will listen when they need to talk. My ex always tried to buy people with expensive gifts but he was unwilling to give of himself. He is incapable of being there for a person when they need someone. When one of my best friend's mother was dying of a rapidly spreading cancer he couldn't understand why I needed to spend time with her. No I couldn't stop the cancer but I could hold her daughter's hand and comfort her. That is what friends are for.

The picture is called Victorian Gazebo.

The real counter is 6462.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Getting It Done

"If you have a sense of caring for others, you will manifest a kind of inner strength in spite of your own difficult situations and problems." Dalai Lama

According to my doctor I am doing very well. The pain I am experiencing is from the stitches that are down deep and pulling. They should be dissolving in the next couple of weeks and I won't be feeling that pain. We are also going to try some hormone replacement to see if we can get my energy level up. I will be off for the next two weeks to continue to recover.

I embarked on a big project the other day. I am putting together a vegetarian meal plan cookbook for my niece. It will be her Christmas present.

We will be looking at snow by the end of the week. I love looking at snow but hate driving in it. I do hope to get more pictures for my winter section of my photography though. I missed on getting more autumn pictures since the leaves were at their best during surgery.

The real counter is 6437

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Satisfied Saturday

"They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing." Hindu Proverb

I just finished making birthday cards for Mom's sister. She is going on 91. My Aunt Bird, as we call her, is one of the sweetest, most generous person on the face of this planet. She is always upbeat and is so much fun to be around.

My 81 year old mother got a bit miffed a couple days ago when our handyman mentioned that he had another elderly women he also helps out. Mom does not think she is elderly.

While age does take its toll on the body I think the state of mind is the biggest factor in how old you feel. I try to keep myself young mentally and genuinely enjoy young people. I am looking forward to the reactions of my nephew and niece to my book. If they like what I've done then I'll know I am reaching a prime audience and will try to get the book published.

I am going to be working hard on Christmas gifts this next week. A lot of people will be getting art work. I also need to get my cards printed out and in the mail. Everyone knows I don't have much money this year and everyone tells that my recovering from surgery will be their best present.

My art also keeps me young. I had a great response to my Thanksgiving picture. I found a couple great models the other evening and Victorian Times is the result. Mom just loved the picture and felt that it would be one of Dad's favorites too.

The real counter is 6422

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

"Round the table peace and joy prevail. May all who share this season's delight enjoy countless more." Chinese blessing

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and yes I realize there is no turkey in this picture but it does have some of my favorite foods including pizza. ;-)

And for all of you who are wondering what to do with that left over turkey here is a nice soup recipe.

Turkey Vegetable Soup

Recipe By     :Michele Wilson
Serving Size  : 6     Preparation Time :0:10
Categories    : Soups

Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------     ------------       --------------------------------
14 1/2     ounces         no salt added stewed tomatoes
4 1/2       ounces         canned mushrooms -- sliced and drained
14 1/2     ounces         fat-free chicken broth
1             pound          cooked turkey -- diced
1/4          cup              red wine
1             cup              frozen mixed vegetables
1             small           onion -- chopped
2             cloves         garlic -- minced
8             ounces        no salt added tomato sauce
1/2          teaspoon     seasoned salt
1/4          teaspoon     pepper
1             teaspoon     Italian seasoning
1/3          cup              instant rice

Mix all ingredients except rice together and bring to a boil. 

Reduce heat to low and add rice.  Simmer for 15 minutes.

Description: A good way to use up left over turkey.
Source: Healthy Food That Tastes So Good!
Copyright: Michele Wilson © 2002
Start to Finish Time: "0:30"

Per Serving: 229 Calories; 4g Fat (16.0% calories from fat); 29g Protein; 20g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 58mg Cholesterol; 450mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1/2 Grain(Starch); 3 1/2 Lean Meat; 3 Vegetable; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.

The real counter is 6414.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


"The appearance of things changes according to the emotions and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves." Kahlil Gibran

I have spent much of the week in bed. There is one little stitch that has been driving me nuts. It is at the end of the scar and I am having so much pain in that spot. It hurts to sit up so I have spent much of the time laying down. I see the Doctor on Monday. My original plan was to be back at work on Monday but my Mom kept begging me to take two more weeks. She realized I wouldn't be ready only four weeks after surgery. I'll get an extension on Monday from my Doctor and turn in the FMLA papers that Administration was supposed to have gotten to me a month ago to make sure that my job is protected. This stitch is such a tiny thing but it shouldn't be there. I'm afraid my body is treating it as a foreign object and trying to fight it as an infection.

Even though it means I won't be able to buy Christmas presents since I will have a whole month without pay and lots of bills I am glad I made the decision not to rush back to work. Sometimes you have to be reasonable and realize that you have to listen to your body. I'm not ready and won't be until that pain goes away where the stitch is.

I think a lot of people are going to be getting art work this year. I can do up to six calendars since I have kits left over from last year. I am also going to be printing off and matting some of my pictures. This last year has seen some of my best art work and I'm going to take ones that people have commented on and make gifts of them. I also finished editing the book so after I make the corrections it will be ready to print off and give.

I heard from the computer people today and the problem is the power supply. They have ordered a new one and I'll get my machine probably next week. I miss the art computer because I can't do the DAZ figures as well on this one as I can on the other one. Besides it has such a high rendering power that the pictures are done in a fracture of the time. I also need this computer to get the Christmas cards out as well as the gifts since this computer is attached to the printer.

I have been watching my Doctor Who and really enjoying them as well as the special features. There is a music special that is just gorgeous. I love good music and Murray Gold does such a wonderful job with the music on the show.

The picture was inspired by the Doctor Who show The Runaway Bride where the Doctor showed Donna the creation of the solar system. It is called In the Beginning.

The real counter is 6410.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Too Too Thursday

"If you don't believe in the gods, leave them alone." Chinese Proverb

I'm not sure if my mood is chillin' or chilly as it is getting really cold. Mom keeps the temperature at 68 so this old house is freezing most of the time. I'm about ready to bundle up with a blanket and watch some more Doctor Who.

The art computer is at the repair place and I sure hope that they can get it up and running. I love my regular computer but it doesn't have the speed and memory of the new one and certain things just don't work properly. Hopefully it is only a simple repair on the new one and I can have my toy back soon.

I love today's quote. I would also add to leave alone the people who do believe in God. I am all for science and eagerly read about each new discovery. It really bugs me though when people act like you have to have either a belief in science or a belief in God and the two don't mix. Nonsense! You can have both and I have integrated them both into my life quite successfully.

I was playing around on my regular computer this afternoon and this picture came to mind. I have a couple of pictures now that I've done to song titles. This new one is from Les Miserables and the song I Dreamed A Dream.

There was a time when men were kind,
And their voices were soft,
And their words inviting.
There was a time when love was blind,
And the world was a song,
And the song was exciting.
There was a time when it all went wrong...

I dreamed a dream in time gone by,
When hope was high and life, worth living.
I dreamed that love would never die,
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.

Then I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung, no wine, untasted.

But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart,
And they turn your dream to shame.

He slept a summer by my side,
He filled my days with endless wonder...
He took my childhood in his stride,
But he was gone when autumn came!

And still I dream he'll come to me,
That we will live the years together,
But there are dreams that cannot be,
And there are storms we cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living,
So different now from what it seemed...
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...

The real counter is 6386.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I woke up to a major thunder storm going on and two cats huddled by my legs and twisted all up trying to find a place to lie down that didn't have kitty on it. And someone wonders why I don't want a third cat. I'd have to sleep on the floor!

My Season Three Doctor Who got here yesterday so I plan on watching some of that today. I also got the calendar done and will print off my copy today. Next up finish editing the novel so I can get it printed.

The storm this morning surprised everybody. It had lots of thunder and lightening and is now back for round two. Sort of like life I guess.

The real counter is 6363

Friday, November 9, 2007


"There is no ladder to climb; there is only the first step, and the first step is the everlasting step." Krishnamurti

I saw my Doctor the other day. The pathologist's report showed no cancer. I've got a clean bill of health. To say I'm relieved is an understatement. There is still extensive bruising. My Doctor was shocked at how badly I bruised up. I am brick red from hip to hip. The pain from the incision is starting to heal. The main problem is still the swelling and gas build up. I'm able to get up and around more and more and the stairs aren't bothering me as much as they use to. Of course I still can't lift anything which is frustrating. It will be November 26th before I can go back to work.

I have spent the time off working on Christmas gifts. I am almost done with the calendar. Most of my gifts this year will have to be done on the computer in the form of art since I don’t have much money to buy gifts this year. My next big project after the calendar is to get the novel edited and printed. I have two "grandchildren" who are so anxious for that book. In addition my boy will get a copy of one of my dragon pictures. He is using it as a screensaver now so I figured a copy for his wall would be a nice gift.

I really like today's quote because it resonates with my life right now. It was really hard to get up and walk after surgery even though I knew I needed to. Sometimes that first step is the hardest. The picture is called Climb Any Mountain and I did it when I was living at my old place. It was a reminder to myself that you can climb any mountain if you take it one step at a time. Baby steps. I am reminding myself now that after the surgery I need to take baby steps and not over do things. I can get back to where I want to be if I take it one small step at atime.

The real counter is 6360.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall

One of my favorite songs is Autumn Leaves. It has been running through my mind for the past few days. This picture is a direct result. Sometimes you can sit back and look at a piece of art and it just touches you. This picture touched me and I am proud to have created it. It is called Falling Leaves.

(French lyrics by Jacques Prvert,
English lyrics by Johnny Mercer,
Music by Joseph Kosma)

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear old winters song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

Cest une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu maimais et je taimais
Nous vivions tous, les deux ensemble
Toi que maimais moi qui taimais
Mais la vie spare ceux qui saiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants dsunis

The real counter is 6348

Monday, November 5, 2007

On the Road

"The soul is the home of all living beings; and from the soul all living beings derive their strengths." The Upanishads

It has been one week since my surgery and I am on the road to recovery. I'm still very sore and the stitches are pulling. There is still the problem of gas build up that really hurts while my insides try to figure out how to rearrange themselves to fill the area left void by the female plumbing's exit.

I am finding that I am doing a ton of art work. Unfortunately the new machine is kaput and needs to go into the computer doctor. It will be next week before my brother will do that for me since I can not lift. I am restricted to under 10 pounds which means I can pick up Pixie unless she gains another pound but not Merlin who is a husky fellow.

My old work horse machine has been happily churning away at art for me. It is taking longer to render of course but the results are the same since I put all the new programs on here as well as the new machine.

I was thrilled when I stepped on the scales this morning to find that I am at my lowest weight in almost 10 years. Finally those extra few pounds are starting to come off. I am hoping that I heal up enough to be able to go back to walking before the weather turns really cold. As is I will probably miss most of the leaf turning as far as pictures are concerned but I really need to get some winter pictures any way.

I have lately been starting to pay real attention to my health. I want to get back into shape as soon as I can and see what can be done to feel better. I need to exercise and I will probably use Tai-Chi to start with for the arthritis. I am also watching my diet and my weight. I discovered a great herbal cure for arthritis the other day. It is called Tiger Balm and I have been massaging it on my neck and shoulders at night and it is doing wonders for the stiffness. It is also great for headaches if you massage it onto the temples.

The picture is called Guardian of Health and was a logical addition to that series.

The real counter is 6339

Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm Home

"The state of enlightenment is not some kind of a physical entity like a heavenly abode. It is the intrinsic quality of the mind revealed in its full positive potential." Dalai Lama

"The noblest moral law is that we should unremittingly work for the good of mankind." Mahatma Gandhi

I got home from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. It is so good to be able to sleep in my own bed. The surgery went well. They found three tumors inside the uterus and a fist size one growing on the outside of the uterus which was causing me all that pain. So once I heal up from the surgery I should be able to go back to doing a lot more things.


I was in the hospital longer then they first thought because I developed fluid on the lungs as a result of the COPD and they needed to treat it before it went into pneumonia. It looks like they caught it in time. There is also some pretty bad bruising around the incision area which is causing a lot of pain at the moment. The anesthesiologist botched up the taping down of the tube and as a result I have a bruised and swollen lip with sores on the inside of my mouth.


I found out I was allergic to morphine when I started breaking out and itching all over. They had to go to an alternate source of pain control. We also found out I can't tolerate ibuprofen in large doses. As Mom says it is a shorter list to tell them what I can take then to tell them what I am allergic too.


I will be out of work for two to three weeks but since my job doesn't not entail lifting of any kind I should be able to make it back fairly soon. That is good I have cats to support.


All in all things went well. Both cats are glad to see me home. Merlin whined the entire four days I was away and cuddles up next to me when I am trying to get some rest. I try and stay up as much as I can but because of the type of surgery (bikini cut) it hurts to sit up because of the pressure on the bruises.


I want to thank all of you for good wishes and prayers. It sure helped.


I redid one of my old pictures and the fact that it is called Going Home should say a lot for my state of mind this week. There is no place like home.

The real counter is 6326

Monday, October 29, 2007

This is the Day

My older brother asked me if I was supremely confident about today's surgery. Uh no. I'm scared half to death. Remember when I was on the jury duty a couple of years ago. The suit was against one of the doctors at this hospital. It was clear he was not at fault but the surgery nurse was. I'm confident in my doctor however I'm nervous about the staff that she has. I will be glad when it is all over.

Right now I have messages from all over the United States letting me know prayers are being said. I know that the Hospital Chaplain will be there with me and that our Parrish Priest will try and be there. My mother is planning on staying the entire day at the hospital. She is working this evening. My brother is working today so he will be in and out and probably some of my coworkers.

I've spent the last couple of days distracting myself with Doctor Who. I watched the Cybermen two parter last night. I really like this incarnation of the Doctor. There is no moral ambiguity about him. You know where he stands and you know he can't be corrupted. He is a Doctor who cares deeply.

The picture is called Into the Void. I'll write again after I get out of the hospital and feel well enough to sit up.

The real counter is 6302.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Day Before

"We gain our freedom when we realize our most true nature." Rabindranath Tagore

Today is National Chocolate Day. I think it is about time they celebrated one of the major food groups. I remember my niece when she was around 15 or so told me she knew what the five major food groups were chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and pizza. Smart girl! I love chocolate especially dark chocolate mixed with either orange or raspberry. A lot of my dessert recipes feature chocolate and the secret ingredient in my chili recipe is cocoa powder. The recipe is below in case you feel like making a batch now that the cooler weather is here.

I spent yesterday cleaning the upstairs including the disaster area we call the bathroom I share with my older brother. I figured it had to be done before I have surgery. I didn't relish the thought of using a bathroom that was that dirty and had that much mold with open wounds that could get infected. I am really sore today since I had to get on my hands and knees and scrub that floor to get off all the powder and hairspray.

Today I plan on doing my shopping at Wal-Mart, doing my pre-op prep, packing for tomorrow, and vegging out watching Doctor Who videos. I watched some last night and plan to watch a whole bunch more today. I am nervous about tomorrow so plan on distracting myself as much as possible to avoid thinking about it. With the number of people praying for me I'm sure every thing will go alright but I'll still be glad when it is all over.

Out of This World Chili

Recipe By     :Michele Wilson
Serving Size  : 8     Preparation Time :0:15
Categories    : Meat: Beef

Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------     ------------        --------------------------------
2           pounds         beef stew meat, R-T-C -- cubed
29         ounces         no salt added stewed tomatoes -- drained and diced
31         ounces         low sodium kidney beans, canned -- drained
4           ounces         green chilies -- drained and diced
8           ounces         no salt added tomato sauce
1           cup              red wine
1           large            onion -- finely chopped
6           large            garlic cloves -- minced
1           large            green bell pepper -- seeded and diced
1           teaspoon      salt
1           teaspoon      paprika
1/4        teaspoon      freshly ground black pepper
2           teaspoons    ground cumin
4           tablespoons  chili powder
1/4        teaspoon       crushed red pepper
1/2        teaspoon       Tabasco sauce
2           tablespoons   cocoa powder
2           teaspoons     dried oregano
2           tablespoons    low sodium Worcestershire sauce
1           tablespoon      olive oil
2           ounces           four-cheese Mexican-style shredded cheese

Heat olive oil in a large pot or Dutch oven on medium-high heat. Add meat, onion, garlic and green pepper. Cook until meat is browned on all sides and vegetables are softened. Drain.

Add rest of ingredients except kidney beans and cheese. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer for two hours stirring every fifteen minutes.

Add kidney beans. Uncover and simmer for two more hours, again stirring every 15 minutes.

Serve with cheese sprinkled over top.

Description:   "Slow cooking for a long time makes this one of the best chilies you will ever taste!"
Source:   "Healthy Food That Tastes So Good!"
Copyright: "Michele Wilson © 2003"
Start to Finish Time:   "2:30"

Per Serving : 431 Calories; 14g Fat (29.0% calories from fat); 39g Protein; 35g Carbohydrate; 11g Dietary Fiber; 78mg Cholesterol; 470mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 4 Lean Meat; 2 1/2 Vegetable; 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.

The real counter is 6297

Friday, October 26, 2007


One of my greatest pleasures in life is curling up with a good book. I love to read. Sometimes I curl up with a cookbook and combine two of my favorite things, reading and cooking. In fact I got a new cookbook today that I will be curling up with tonight. I'm trying to decide which books to take to the hospital with me in case I'm there for a couple of days.

I had a very vivid dream last night that reminded me of one of my favorite books, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. I often dream in stories and this dream was no different. In the dream I had a library with thousands of books in it. The society where I was living however banned books. I was able to keep the books hidden using magic and there were places where I could actually sell some of the books and get them to people who still wanted to read.

When I lived in Denver I worked at the Tattered Cover Bookstore and to this day it is one of my favorite jobs. I loved working so closely with books. I remember the orientation with the lady who owns the store and she was talking about censorship. Her philosophy was that all books should be available to people. It was one of the reasons why you would find everything from extreme right wing to extreme left wing political books in her store.

One of the things that has always bothered me is the people who try and censor everything a child reads using prejudice as the basis for their reasoning. Their are people who do not understand fantasy and want to ban all books in that genre like the Harry Potter books. They automatically assume that anything that deals with magic has to be evil. In fact the word evil is one of their most over used words.

If a child's mind is to grow and flourish it has to be stimulated and one of the best ways of doing that is through reading.  Many of our top scientists today grew up on science fiction and fantasy. One of my largest group of art buyers is from NASA/JPL. Their minds were opened up to new and wondrous sights through words and they have taken that wonder and turned it into a fulfilling career.

I am aware that parents need to protect their children from pornography and they should be careful with what their children read however they should also be cognizant of their own prejudices and try and make sure that they aren't condemning good books that should be read. I'm sure J.K. Rowling's revelation that one of her main characters was gay will bring a renewed outburst from homophobes wanting to ban those books from libraries. It is time to stop and realize that their are gays in this world and that they are not monsters. They are human beings just like you and I. They, like us, were made in God's image. Remember Christ said "love thy neighbor as thyself." He didn't qualify that statement so that means everyone is your neighbor.

The picture is called Reading.

The real counter is 6292