Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gone Phishing

A few months ago there was an article in the local paper about a woman who lost thousands of dollars because she believed the email from "EBay" asking her for account information. I was reminded about that story this morning when I received two emails that said they were from AOL asking me to update my information. Of course I immediately knew that they were phony. I receive emails every few days from “EBay” and “PayPal” about a non existent account that they want me to update. It is one of the biggest rackets around and their are so many gullible people who believe them and give out confidential information. No reputable place would ask for that kind of information via email. I always forwarded these types of emails onto AOL to let them know that there are "phishers" out there.

My Mom was a little puzzled last night after Heroes when I told her that the hospital better have NBC on their TV sets next Monday. Granted I am going to be recovering from surgery but I still want to watch my show. It is getting very interesting. Next week looks fantastic and I want to see it.

I was playing around with my computer the other night and came up with this picture. I'm calling it End of Day.

The real counter is 6276.

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